
Age 53 changes

Open Archived Bolle opened this discussion on

Jay [J] -

They said it gives the same “% protection” but they will still be more vulnerable because the mage will have higher success against their low ML meaning you need to run 5% more CH or if you are a mage instead of matching their ML run 5% more acads than the bad guy [:p]

Bolle -

It's a fiction Jay.

Currently, a guy with ML 1 and 20% CH (to use your example) blocks 60% of all spells. If the caster runs ML 23 he'll succeed the other 40% (barring autofail) cuz with ML 23 vs Ml 1 he's got a 100% chance on success.

In the new situation, the only thing that changes is that the caster reaches this level already with approximately ML 19-20 vs ML 1. So your argument only applies to the range of ML 1 to ML 23 (23 in current sit, ~20 in new sit), assuming the target has ML 1.

I'd like to point out that the churches in this example are completely superfluous. The only thing that actually changes anything is the CH. The 20% CH block 60% regardless of the ML. The CH are therefore still as efficient. It's not even that the ML 1 has “less” defense. It's simply that you require less ML to deal the same amount of damage. Which is, in a way, precisely what it means to state that success rate goes up - you succeed more with less ML.

EDIT: p.s. CH block 3%, so 20% Ch don't block 70% ops - just 60%. You probably missed the change (from way back) where you can now build 25% CH, which means you can block a total of 75%.

Smokey -

With the reduction in protection granted by academies, who is actually going to run less ML knowing this?

That being said, I believe Jay meant if you compared results from each age maintaining the same amount of ML. Wouldn't the latter yield more damage? (Because I predict tribes won't reduce their ml)

The only situation where this is helpful is in the case of Attacker/Mages, who will opt to sit at lower ML for more guilds to yield higher damage.

Sanzo -

jeez it's not as big as you make it out to be

Jay [J] -

Alright Bolle, I can accept that, so what I can take away from this is ML 20 is now just as good as ML 25 vs ML 1, but you have more space for guilds. On the flip side though ML 20 will be ~17% easier to kill by some1 with ML 20 and the same goes for ML 1 vs ML 1 than it is currently.

Pollito -

Sanzo, if they're making a big deal about “immortal” what makes you think they won't about this?

hardar -

Because semantical/ethymological issues about the immortal term are important.

Game related issues are just here to make us kill time between two nights of sleep.

Sanzo -

Quote: Jay
Current success rate: for ML 1 vs ML 1 + 20% CH
100 DM *.20 success * .3 success against 20% CH = 6 DMs get through

Actually its:
100*0.2*(1-(20*0.03)) = 8 success!

New success rate: for ML 1 vs ML 1 + 20% CH
100 DMs *.235 success * .3 success against 20% CH = 7 DMs get through

100*0.235*(1-(20*0.03)) = 9.4 success!

Current success rate: ML 45 vs ML 1 w/ 20% CH might be something like this

100 DMs * .6 success * .3 (CH success) =
18 DMs

New success rate: ML 45 vs ML 1 w/ 20% CH

100 DMs * .75 success * .3 (CH success) =
22.5 DMs

ML 45 vs ML 1 is currently 96.66% and will continue to be that amount.

Currently ML 12 succeeds 60% of the time against ML 1, that will become 70% with the new change. So instead of 24 (out of 100) getting through, 28 will!

Bolle -

Alright Bolle, I can accept that, so what I can take away from this is ML 20 is now just as good as ML 25 vs ML 1, but you have more space for guilds. On the flip side though ML 20 will be ~17% easier to kill by some1 with ML 20 and the same goes for ML 1 vs ML 1 than it is currently.


Smokey -

Question: Why is Nazzy elite being nerfed? It's not like their best offensive unit with 6 power is overpowering, so they have to pump on the offensive side anyway, and all that defense is lost when they attack, unlike ravens and owls. Otherwise, if they stay at home and do not raid, or take advantage of their two tick return time, they're missing out on raid income. Nazzies have to suicide their elites to make attacks as it is, why take them down a peg? They can't do anything besides be attackers anyway..., so I'm curious. I've not heard any outcries about overpowerdness, so what was the DEV's reasoning. Thanks.

VorteX -

I myself stated they're overpowered and asked for a nerf. Their T/M protection is extremely powerful, and their 2 hour attack time is pretty amazing as well... suicides can pretty much go unnoticed you know, with their immunity to IC and the chance of not showing up on the news

Smokey -

You just listed their traits, good job. Their offensive unit is weak amd weps are an easy target for fame rape. For standard grabs and raids they are out for two ticks, really one tick if you hit at the end of the tick, but most times you lnow who hit you. Just semd more offense than what he lost attacking you and get some buddies to help you. He isnt a raven and if your alliance is haf active amd running sufficient dpa he may not be able to even hit you. Races running full defense specs he cannot even hit, let alone raid because they have atronger def units

Halc -

that was too subjective and circumstantial to even make a comment on.. i don't know what you were trying to say there but from my observations nazguls seems okay as they are, possibly a little OP if you are active and given the low player base which can't punish suiciders as much. it's one of those races which can seem OPed if you play them right but if you don't get the hang of it or pitted against the wrong set-up can be quite handicapped.

don't take it too seriously.. if it's really imbalanced, chances are dev will fix it in a few ages. in the meantime if you don't like it play something else you think you can abuse [:p]

VorteX -

What was I supposed to list, if not their traits which make them OP lol? I played HE too and while they're good, they weren't even close to nazguls. They have no competition at all, and their only natural enemies are repts

Bolle -

Eh when a nazz attack his elite is out isn't it? And the elite's cheaper now, too!

Nazgul was fine in terms of attacking and getting grabbed. Problem was they were too hard (generally) to kill. Lowering the def on the elite supposedly reduces their efficiency, cuz you need to get some more def specs.

robokop -

updates will be uploaded in 24 hours from now (13ST on the first of july)

Sanzo -

Will nazguls get compensation?

Bolle -

Nope, they've had a full week to prepare for the changes.

What they lost in coin (50 per elite) was earned back in 1-2 years.

Elvis -

Good Stuff

Smokey -

I am not sure of the '“shelf” for nominal opa/dpa, but a nazzy at 50/50 citz/military ratio is only about 270/270 give or take. I dont consider that too tough to kill. They would already have less defense than pure def unit race, and again if they attack they have almoat nothing at home. They do not have a stay at home defense. I would say that is a sufficient weakness as is. You can keep a nazzy at home in war unless they scuicide, and generally, now, people simply avoid them in war and win those wars. They are vanilla attackers with no stay at home defense. I see this change as not necessary. An attacker can pump and build weps to hit a nazzier easier than another thief can attempt to pump tpa and op a britt, but nothing was nerfed there. Attackers can still partial raze a nazzy if they dont break their defense. Nazzies have no trait to stop that if they were so op. Didnt nazzies have 6/6 elite sometime in the past, or am i mistaken?

Bolle -

Tough to kill is in terms of t/m defense, not citz efficiency.

Citz efficiency for nazz is supposed to suck. That's why they have the 25% t/m blocked. If their citz efficiency owns, the t/m def trait is op.

A few ages back nazzies had the 6/5 but didn't have the intercept trait. That and the sneak attacks were added to make them more attractive. Now, instead of removing those traits, we lowered their elites def with 1. Keeps the race fun to play [;)]

Smokey -

Haha.... *cough*bs*cough* haha...

I see your point, but other than the 2 tick attack time (4 ticks on raze and bc) they're vanilla. 4 ticks with all your defense away is quite scary. They better be committed to the KT if they're out with little defense. If they're efficiency is supposed to suck, then why are they so hard to kill? because people throw m/t at them and not enough run attackers? If attackers are weak in this age, then it's not nazzy's fault people choose to run t/m instead. (Just buffed) There was a war between 19 and 17 alliance(who was mostly attackers), but from what I hear, they still threw voids and dm's at 19's nazzy. An active nazzy can stay alive with rebuilding and recasting self spells and ops. A smart nazzy will run some churches and guard houses, and against an alliance full of attackers, bastions. The Repti Hai's in 17 would have done a number on 19's nazzy's army, both reducing his/her offense and defense in the proccess. 19 lost the war, but the nazzy didn't die it seems. What does a nazzy's defense mean in the scheme of war now? Nothing, because kills are meaningless. The trait is moot!

Bolle -

Smokey, I wasn't arguing, just explaining the nerf.

P.s. nazz army is away 2 hours on BC and raze. Just the general who is away for 4.

rEdL|nE -

Smokey, don't be a retard! the defence is out for only 1 hour, not 4. the rest, you're just a nazi-lover

Smokey -

Oh that's right, Bolle! That comforts me somewhat.

Re: redl|ne
For the record, I'm not a Nazi or Fascist. [;)] (Or National Socialist!)
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