
Age 76 - Changes

Open Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on

Jamzi -

[edited 08ST 02 April]

The first tick of Age 76 will be 10am Server Time on Sunday 3rd April. Merging is open again now. The changes will be uploaded before the age starts, during the coming 24hrs.

The below information is taken directly from the Staff Development Forum. If you would like me to email you this post instead to make it easier for you to read (as someone mentioned last time), just pm me your email address or mention it in this thread.


Age 76 changes
Changes that are perceived by some as necessary, such as changes to thievery and the fame system, are being looked into. These parts of the game are too complex to change on short notice.

UI changes
• Global news update to announce start and end of age
• Change name on front page and when we refer to it to Orkfia (instead of “Orkfia II - Alliances at War)
• remove ruler age from tribe + alliance page
• add hover text to the war win condition explaining the numbers. i.e. (100% wins the war / if this number is lower than the one to the left, you lose the war!)

• Guilds
Guilds mana storing capacity is now capped. For comparison, guilds now hold more mana up to 5000 acres than in Age 75.
if size < 2500 acres : MP = guilds * size/625
if size > 2500 acres : MP = guilds * 4

• Hideouts
Hideouts thievery point storing capacity is now capped. For comparison, hideouts now hold more thievery points up to roughly 5000 acres than in Age 75.
if size < 2500 acres : TP = hideouts * size/625
if size > 2500 acres : TP = hideouts * 4

• Wrath of Cyclops
Wrath of Cyclops is removed from the game.

• Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt can now only be used by the tribe who has been attacked. Lightning Bolt now kills 0.5% of the attacker's military per successful op rather than 0.25%
Lightning Bolt now has the same success rate as Dragon Mage.
Result: it is significantly more difficult to cast.

• Mystical Rust
Mystical Rust is now war-only.

• Mine Walls
Mine Walls is now a thievery operation.
• war-only
• destroys 1% of the enemy's walls.
• the usual amount of thieves is required (same as Arson)
• same chance of success as Arson.
• base cost is 66% of Arson's.
• Message: Your thieves manage to destroy 0 of x (#y)s walls.

Tribes who die or reset during the age now receive (Starting_money+(hours_passed*66,000))*race modifier crowns.

We considered giving only one reset option per age, but decided against it as a tribe's history of deaths would become valuable information, which requires the use of an icon or other means to label tribes who have already died once, thereby putting a bull's eye on these tribes. We considered this undesirable.

• Victory
Victory in war is now dependent on the accumulation of power, as it was before Age 74.
Power is gained by almost all acts committed in war. See [here]( for the full list.
You now need to gain 33% of the enemy alliance's total size in power to win the war.
If the war expires before 100% power is reached, whoever is closest to 100% wins the war.

• Warblocking
Warblocking power gain requirement changed to 60% of what it was in Age 75.
If you declare a war but fail to acquire ((# of your alliance's members/12)x0.06) of the required power* within 6 hours of declaration, you lose the war. After 6 hours, you need to maintain a tempo of gaining 1% of total power required for victory to avoid automatically losing the war.
If you lose the war for lack of aggression as described above, each alliance member loses 500 fame (no one gains any, not even the opposing alliance) and 10% of their size.

• UI
Explanation of user interface in War Room:
Power: y% (z%)
Where y = current power gained, where 100 is winning the war.
Where z = current requirement of power gained to avoid automatic defeat.
As long as y > z the war will continue.
Tribes can no longer leave protection mode during a war.

The alliance market, unaccounted for record, and all tribe market records are now reset before age restart, regardless of whether or not someone's tribe is active.

• Pillage
Pillage is no longer affected by weaponries for its damage. This means it now always destroys 4% of the target's Yards, Mines, Laboratories and Farms and yields resources accordingly.

• Raid
The attacking tribe now loses 1% of the attacking military units rather than 0.6%
Raid now kills 1.5% of defending military units on attack rather than 1%.

• Barren Grab/Commandeer
Barren Grab and Commandeer are now combined into Commandeer.
This means that gains are now drawn from the pool of combined barren and incoming acres.
Below is a list of other attack characteristics.
Attacking tribe loses 0.6% of the amount of offense required to break the defender's defenses. Defending tribe loses 0.5% of defensive military units.
Base gains according to the Barren Grab formula.
Penalties for grabbing below your size are applied after determining the base gains. This means that it's impossible to double your gains on a 51-75% tribe by grabbing a target that has both barren and incoming.
The following effect is removed from Commandeer: seizes a minimum amount 10% of enemy’s total land, can take all acres if within sufficient range. Maximum gains are now determined by the Barren Grab formula, which is now applied to Commandeer.

Race changes

• High Elf
Sage 7/0 700 cr → 800 cr
Longbowmen 0/7 700 cr → 800 cr
Fame no longer gives protection against enemy destructive attacks.

• Templar
Cleric 2/2 300 cr → 1/1 300 cr
Seraph 0/5 500 cr → 0/5 600 cr

bloodball -

do I understand correctly that templars are not rotated out?
and ML is not capped to acres/100?

Bulby -

And for HE is the destructive atacks just military attacks or is the protection against magic/thievery diminshed as well..

fuzzy34 -

No race exchanges?

Bolle -

@Bulby military attacks only.
@Fuzzy correct
@bloodball correct, but the reduced death bonus means they won't be effective right away. There's always churches. ML 100 in itself is not gamebreaking.

Smokey -

Lb may be used by the attacked tribes only? Wth?! Let's just make mage utility nothing out of war and making it more difficult to cast makes the double damage as before effectively less, especially for non mages attempting to cast. -100 thumbs down

Del -

What is the reason for changing LB?

Cecil -

whats the point in removing tribe age?

Sanzo -

Del, the reason for nerfing LB is because Bolle doesn't like to see his units die via LB

Acwder -

Any specific reason for not going with any race changes for this coming age? We currently got 75% of the playerbase using just 4 races. Templars being at 40% atm, ofc due to being the best race after death if you are planning to war more.


Sanzo, I don't think anyone like to see their units die via LB. The LB had to be changed, dunno what I think about this solution tho.


Now with more mp and tp, is there any plans for a balance in dmg output? It is already easy to kill tribes and this makes it even more easy.

I mean that is alot more mp then previous age. Having a tribe at 2500 acres running 1k guilds. This age that would mean 3322 mp (rounded). Next age that would instead give 4000 mp. A 20% boost. That's huge.

thedritpwnskkkk -

this is perfect changes for 6 man alliances =D

Jamzi -

Smokey/Del/Sanzo - I am not ignoring you but don't know so I will leave that for another to answer.

Cecil - removing tribe age was to “tidy up” and also from a thread in suggestion forum. Was there a reason we should reinstate (or not remove) it?

Acwder the reason for not much attention to races this age is that an overhaul of the races is our main focus for the age 77 changes. This has been in the pipeline in the background for some months already but we have not reached an agreement in staff yet as to the end result, although discussions have increased in the past week. We've got about 2 weeks to complete this and at the moment it is one of the high priority tasks. If we don't manage it will have to get bumped to age 78 (as Max will need time to code what potentially could be quite big changes).

thedritpwnskkkk -

Tip for dev:
Don't listen too much to players (not sarcasm).

Jamzi -

so no 6 man alliances... right? (is this a trick? [:$] [:D])

thedritpwnskkkk -

Serious: How about making the explored acres on attack having a soft cap around 10k acres (lore: you already explored almost all acres around your tribe)(actual reason: to stop immortal attackers from running away to 100k acres)

Simo -

Why removing age? It's something good to see if one is died or not in the age and when. I'd like to keep it in the tribe page.

Sanzo -

If you want people to play attacker you gotta make their units better.
You can look here for tips:

Reyes -

i like all of those races sanzo but they would need to be tweaked a bit before being able to be played... lets use the cursed for example... cursed are usually an offensive race so why is remnant the only one with any true offensive power? xD and the costs for some of the troops in other categories are pretty low for such a high off/def setup i think i saw a 7/8 race elite for 850cr [:|]

Reyes -

i definitely wouldnt object to those being put into the game either who knows new races could bring in new players or old players its always a possibility

Sanzo -

I wasnt suggesting the high amount of races, I was suggestng the race stats.
Attackers in the game now are very crummy overall

Bulby -

How about a trade off for mages...thieves..get tempo/land claim ...lets give something similar to mages..

Fisk -

Mages don't need such things though. Very efficient citizen/military ratio (compared to thief) gives good enough income already.

Bulby -

if the new normal is templars with ml 72 then space efficiency isnt a question... just not enough thieves around to kill them off...

Smokey -

Reduce max Templar homes by 5%? --> 40% max homes?
Remove a point of defense from their clerics?
Add a modifier to clerics, so they grant partial ml for each cleric per acre available.
ie 1000 clerics at 100 acres normally is 10 ML, but with a modifer of .8, then 1000 clerics at 100 acres is 8 ML
Make Clerics much more expensive to train.
Make Clerics suffer higher rates of loss through attacks, etc.

QuazMasta -

Clerics are going to 1/1 and seraph cost is going up. Significant nerf.

Jamzi -

First post is now edited to include the below info:

The first tick of Age 76 will be 10am Server Time on Sunday 3rd April. Merging is open again now. The changes will be uploaded before the age starts, during the coming 24hrs.
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