
Front page update

Closed Archived Martel opened this discussion on

Martel -

In short:

Added pictures and a FAQ text for new players.

Hope you like it :)

Jamzi -

"recommend" has a typo

Martel -


Phu Man Chu -

Should put "start tribe now" button in a box with color or something to call it out. I had to control+f on tribe page to find it and I knew it was supposed to be there.

Jamzi -

lol just read back my post about the "recommend" and it sounds a bit harsh... i was in a rush when i typed that..

Anyway finally got chance to have a proper read through the FAQ and it's cool and is a useful addition to the front page so nice one Martel (late reaction i know!)

Martel -

There has been several updates to the front page since last update here but I didn't feel they were too important to announce.

If you got improvements to the FAQ they're always welcome, but you know this ;)

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