
Your mage is able to influence not only the citizens of your tribe, but cast a spell on a god as well. Elendian is the God of love and fertility. Your mage casts a spell convincing the God to increase your max population for a few months.

  • +10% max population
  • Lasts 10-28 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 5

Matawaska River

In the valleys of Orkfia a river runs. All tribes go to the river and drink of its water, but they also go there to relax. The calming sound of the river and the soothing echoes makes them more fertile. Casting the spell inclines your citizens to go down to the river and mate.

  • +10% citizen growth
  • Lasts 10-28 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 5

Lord of Harvest

By casting this spell the Lord of Harvest will bless your lands and make them more productive and rich in growth.

  • +10% food production
  • Lasts 10-28 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 5


Quanta is the God of wealth. When your mage casts this spell, it convinces Quanta to bless your peasants in the trade business.

  • +10% citizen's income
  • Lasts 10-28 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 5

Ciorin's Blessing

The spirit of Deam and Salem's daughter still lingers in Orkfia, she seeks revenge on the world who ended her short life by granting the bonus of offence to a tribe.

  • +15% offence
  • Lasts 4-12 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 12

Deam's Hunt

Deam, Salems former lover, chose the path of light after the death of his daughter and has chosen to defend lands with his fortitude, so that such an atrocity would never happen again.

  • +10% defence
  • Lasts 4-12 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 9


If you need insight into an opponent's tribe, your mage is able to envision another tribe's status, showing the information shown on the Tribe page.

  • Displays information from the tribe page
  • Suggested Mage Level: 4

Fly Over

Capture the mind of a flying creature and let it sweep over the enemy alliance and share its vision.

  • Displays alliance news
  • ~1 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 12

Seal of Deflection

In anticipation of an offensive spell this spell creates a shield around your tribe that helps to prevent the effects of spells cast against you.

  • +15% resistance to enemy spells
  • Lasts 2-6 months
  • ~5 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 18

Inner Sight

Displays the research branches, market inventory and unpurchased research points of the enemy.

  • Displays alliance research and –market
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 3

Mystical Rust

An enchantment to erode the metal supplies of the tribe's weaponries.

  • Destroys 2% Weaponries
  • ~1 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 9

Wrath of Cyclops

When attacking an opponent, they may very well have additional wall defence. When casting this spell, your mage is able to conjure a cyclops that will destroy a number of the opponent's walls, leaving them open to attack.

  • Destroys 2% Walls
  • ~1 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 9


Your opponent's food supply can be infected with poison to destroy it and render it useless. Starvation is an effective way to kill an enemy's population, so casting poison on an enemy can be very harmful, especially if the enemy has a negative food income.

  • Spoils food
  • ~1 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 7


Basic soldiers are lightly trained and undisciplined. Their weak minds makes them a prime target for enemy mages, who can conjure illusions, manipulate the senses to hallucinations, and evoke feelings of terror. Victims of this spell run into the wilderness and are never seen again.

  • Causes basic soldiers to desert
  • ~1 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 7

Magical Void

Your mage will attempt to void any active duration spells of the enemy.

  • Removes one effecting spell
  • ~4 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 29

Fountain of Resu

Far underneath Orkfia's green forests lie the underground lakes, one of which the spirit of the goddess Resu guards. By using magic your mage can lead water from this lake, and it will heal those who drink of it.

  • -40% military losses during invasions
  • Lasts 2-8 months
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 12


If you need a quick and effective way of hurting an enemy and stunting his growth, launch a fireball at their citizens. The fireball will go straight after your opponent's citizens, crashing and exploding on impact.

  • Kills citizens on impact
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 9
  • Damage reduced outside of war

Lightning Bolt

By summoning up a storm, your mage can punish those who dare attack your alliance. Lightning bolts will rain down upon the intruders and kill many units.

  • Kills 0.375% returning military
  • Only affects invasions against your own alliance
  • Suggested Mage Level: 19

Meteor Storm

Fiery rocks from the heavens rain down on your foe, destroying labs and barracks.

  • Destroys barracks
  • Destroys labs
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 7


Thieves have never been friends of the mages. By using the power of Jurani, a mage can render thieves into useless husks, no longer skilled in the arts of subterfuge and intrigue. The lesser effect of this spell, which affects many more thieves, is to fill them with wanderlust.

  • Forces away thieves for 2 months
  • Kills a small number of thieves
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 7
  • Damage reduced outside of war


Your mage can attempt to cleanse the tribe of an ally, reducing the duration of some negative spells.

  • Reduces duration of Pestilence by 1 month
  • Reduces duration of Engineered Virus by 1 month
  • Reduces duration of Stunted Growth by 1 month
  • ~5 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 12


Your mage can attempt to cleanse the tribe of an enemy, reducing the duration of some spells.

  • Reduces duration of Pestilence by 1 month
  • Reduces duration of Deam's Absolution by 1 month
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 12

Wrath of XENE

A strong spell in times of strife, this spell can help to lower your enemy's thievery defences by destroying some of their Guard Houses. The name of this spell is dedicated to a player tragically taken from us before his time. Your memory will not be forgotten Xene.

  • Destroys guard houses and temples
  • ~3 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 11
  • Damage reduced outside of war


Your mage causes the earth to tremble with seismic waves converging straight unto your target. The wake of destruction will cause hideouts and mines to crumble to the ground.

  • Destroys 1% hideouts and 1% mines
  • ~2 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 14


In ages past, dragonmages were the highest ranked among mystics with abilities far greater than any mystic of today, however, some of their knowledge was passed on and survived to this day and amongst them this, their greatest spell, which forces earth, wind and fire together into blazing whirlwinds of fire.

  • Burns homes and buildings at random
  • ~4 fame gained
  • Expensive below 2400 acres
  • Suggested Mage Level: 19
  • Damage reduced outside of war

Enchantress Salem

Salem chose the path of darkness and still, to the day, blames Deam for the death of her daughter. She seeks to destroy his good work in a futile attempt of revenge. By using her beauty, she will hypnotize the enemy soldiers to forget their magical advantage.

  • Negates “Deam's hunt”
  • Lasts 1 month
  • ~5 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 29

Winds of Distress

You will smite haunting storms through the barracks of your opponent, making it impossible to rest. Thus being unaffected by the magical advantage Ciorin bestowed upon them.

  • Negates “Ciorin's Blessing”
  • Lasts 1 month
  • ~5 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 29


  • +10% building damage on destructive attacks
  • 1 month shorter recovery time for generals
  • Lasts 1-4 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 13

Engineered Virus

A time effect version of fear that kills all forms of military and thieves. This spell can be cast on an enemy to inflict damage on their units.

  • Kills military units every month
  • This spell cannot be voided
  • Lasts 1-4 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 13
  • War Only

Orcish Fervor

  • Negates Fountain of Resu
  • Negates immortality when attacking and defending
  • Military returns home 1 month sooner.
  • Lasts 1-10 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 10

Enforced Honesty

Your mage will target hideouts in order to destroy thievery plans.

  • Destroys thievery plans
  • Suggested Mage Level: 19

Deep Forest

Ever watchful of the balance of the ages, the forces of Preservation maintain harmony between nature and the elves. This spell increases your defence by making your forest grow faster, expanding your domain in the process.

  • 1-8 acres explored each month
  • Building uses 50% less wood
  • 15% chance enemies become lost and attacks fail. (15% elude)
  • Lasts 1-10 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 10

Efficient Mobilization

Your mage summons the willpower of your citizens and convinces them to join your army.

  • Every month, you gain 0.1% more military units
  • Elites are 50% more expensive to train
  • Lasts 1-10 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 10


Cursed races possess an evil spell which gives them the ability to spread an epidemic. Pestilence spreads during invasions when either the attacker or the defender is afflicted with Pestilence.

  • +5% offence (cursed)
  • -10% citizen growth and all positive growth is negated (non-cursed)
  • Spreads during successful invasions
  • When spread, lasts land / 800 months (max 10)
  • This spell cannot be voided
  • Lasts 1-10 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 10


Birds are known for their flocking tendencies, and this is spell much improves their ability to multiply rapidly and dangerously.

  • +20% citizen growth
  • 1-8 acres explored each month
  • 2 months shorter training time for basic units
  • Lasts 1-10 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 10

Divine Intervention

  • -20% land lost on standard attack
  • 5-25 fame gained each month
  • Lasts 1-10 months
  • Suggested Mage Level: 10

Scry Land

A Wizard scries the land, magically exploring land for your tribe to settle.

  • Immediately gain 1-6 acres, increasing based on your size
  • Formula: 1->(10*max(0.25, log(land/250+10)-0.5)) acres
  • Suggested Mage Level: 5

Siphon Land

Siphon an enemy's incoming acres, expanding your borders instead.

  • Steal 2% of enemy target's incoming acres
  • Decreasing gains as the target's relative size differs
  • Acres take 4 hours to arrive
  • ~3 fame gained
  • Suggested Mage Level: 19

Stunted Growth

  • Cannot explore
  • Cannot use Land Claim
  • Mana regen reduced by 50%
  • Plans regen reduced by 50%
  • Weaponries are ineffective
  • This spell cannot be voided
  • Triggered by events

Deam's Absolution

  • +10% protection from magic
  • +10% protection from thievery
  • +5% defense
  • +50% explore costs
  • This spell cannot be voided
  • Triggered by events