Light Elf
Elf Mage
This enigmatic race of elves has arrived in the world of Orkfia from the divine realms beyond. Little is known of them, and they claim nor volunteer nothing of themselves, though their serene grace seems unfathomably ancient. Beings more spiritual than physical, they both excel in the arcane arts and are vulnerable to them.
Racial Abilities
- Elendian, Matawaska, Lord of Harvest and Quanta give +50% bonus instead of +10%
- Immune to Magical Void
- Mines and yards produce 150% of normal
- Exploring costs 170% of normal crowns
- Construction costs are 170% of normal crowns
- Waterborne: Mystical Rust deals 100% more damage
- Ready to go: +50% starting money
Military Units
Class | Off/Def | Cost | |
Basic | Acolyte | 0/0 | 100 cr |
Off | Maia | 4/0 | 500 cr |
Def | Istar | 0/3 | 300 cr |
Elite | Valar Scion | 4/5 | 1,050 cr |
Thief | Scout | 0/0 | 275 cr |