Old School Slackers

Looking for 1 active

Land: 5    Strength: 4    Fame: 4    Kill: 2

At war with Savage Detectives #25

Old School Slackers (#22)
Tribe Name Race Land Strength Fame
Thorin Oakenshield Dwarf 8,259 1,824,083 7,260
NightOwl Spirit 3,704 756,413 5,131
Eric The Red Spirit 2,996 632,517 5,964
Bitcoin II Spirit 1,096 143,026 6,018
4 tribes (1 online) 16,055 3,356,039 24,373
Mark Meaning
Gold Crown: Elder
Silver Crown: Co-elder
Green: In Protection

Active Alliance Bonuses

  • Cursed
  • Humans