Legends of the Fast

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Land: 3    Strength: 2    Fame: 2    Kill: 2

Legends of the Fast (#22)
Tribe Name Race Land Strength Fame
Number One Kitchen Wood Elf 6,599 1,080,045 9,177
Hooters Spirit 2,485 485,559 10,316
Burger King Fairy 2,367 303,954 7,749
Happy dinner Brittonian 2,313 518,906 7,195
Wendy's Brittonian 1,901 268,860 7,503
5 tribes (1 online) 15,665 2,657,324 41,940
Mark Meaning
Gold Crown: Elder
Silver Crown: Co-elder
Green: In Protection

Active Alliance Bonuses

  • Cursed
  • Elves
  • Humans
  • Winged