The smokies

And then there’s these guys

Land: 1    Strength: 1    Fame: 1    Kill: 1

At war with But first we nap #125

The smokies (#27)
Tribe Name Race Land Strength Fame
Smokey and Uranus Tiefling 5,699 981,199 15,276
Smokey and the Snake Brittonian 5,410 1,323,951 16,909
Smokey and the Bandit Wood Elf 4,723 924,817 13,470
Smokey and the booty pirates Uruk Hai 3,555 550,356 14,499
Smokey and the Bear Light Elf 2,378 263,371 9,248
5 tribes (0 online) 21,765 4,043,694 69,402
Mark Meaning
Gold Crown: Elder
Silver Crown: Co-elder
Green: In Protection

Active Alliance Bonuses

  • Cursed
  • Elves
  • Humans
  • Orks