
Age 20 Race Changes

Closed Archived Martel opened this discussion on

Martel -

Race Changes List

With thanks to Iluros.

New Races

Balrog (Cursed race)

Instantly replenishes 1 mp for every 75 citizens killed during attacks.

+1% bonus to mage level per 1000 fame.

  • Damned Soul (0/0) - 100 cr
  • Devil (12/0) - 1400 cr
  • Occultist (0/7) - 800 cr
  • Demon (8/4) - 1000 cr
  • Spy (0/0) - 400 cr


Light Elves (Elf race)

Self spells give +50% instead of normal bonuses*

+15% spell damages**

Spells cannot be negated (immune to magical void, enchantress salem, and heal)

  • Acolyte (0/0) - 75cr
  • Maiar (3/0) - 950cr
  • Istari (0/4) - 1700cr
  • Valar Scion (2/3) - 875 cr
  • Scout (0/0) - 500 cr

*Only self spells from levels 1-5

**Deals and is dealt 15% more damage,

Old Race Tweaks

Dark Elf
(changed) +33% mage level bonus (from 25%)
+35% mana regeneration


Rept Hai
  • Blade Runner (6/0) - 400cr --> Blade Runner 9/0 1100 cr


  • Cleric (3/1) - 400cr --> Cleric (5/4) - 600cr


Wood Elf
(changed) +20% more thievery points per update (was +30%)
(added) 2 hour return time for thieves
(added) Hideouts hold 75 citizens
(removed) -10% crowns to explore

  • Druid (0/4) - 335 --> Druid (0/7) - 800cr
  • Grassrunner (0/0) - 280cr --> Grassrunner (0/3) - 280cr


Can not be visioned
Does not require food
(added) Thieves are imperceptible
(removed) 2 hour return time for thieves

  • Poltergeist (2/7) - 840cr --> Poltergeist (2/7) - 850cr
  • Apparition (0/0) - 275cr --> Apparition (0/4) - 375cr


Mori Hai
  • Axethrower (0/5) - 515cr --> Axethrower (0/6) - 1100cr
  • Assassin (6/00 - 800cr --> Assassin (6/3) - 800cr


30% chance that an enemy will retreat
(removed) +35% thievery points
(added) 1 hour explore time
+35% magic points

  • Razorbeak (0/0) - 265cr --> Razorbeak 0/3 265 cr


Inflict 2x more damage to enemy on attacks
(changed) 33% chance of location not showing in any news when attacking (was 25%)
Hit 'n' Run & Blasphemy Crusade have 4 month attack intervals (instead of 6 months)

  • Archer (2/6) - 530cr --> Archer 2/8 900 cr


bloodball -

Instantly replenishes 1 mp for every 75 citizens killed during attacks.

is that attacks you made or attack on you? or both?

Martel -

It's from attacks that you make as a Balrog. There's also a cap on mana points gained based on the amount your guilds can store.


bloodball -

balrog is s really interesting race with good oppertunaties
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