Age 21 Changes List
Thanks Iluros
Race Tweaks Cont'd
Light Elf
(Add)+10% spell success rates
Maiar (3/0) - 950cr
----> Maiar (3/3) - 875
Istari (0/4) - 1700cr
-----> Istari (0/5) - 1700cr
Valar Scion (2/3) - 875cr
-----> Valar Scion (2/4) - 1300cr
Oleg Hai
+30% land gains on attacks
(Add)2 hour military training time
Harpies are mercenaries and will join immediately when trained and serve you for 4 months. Once their duty is over they return as citizens.
(Add)Automatically trains 50 white skulls for every 1 acre conquered
Gnome (0/1) - 100cr
----->Gnome (2/2) - 50 cr
Wolf Rider (7/0) - 500cr
----->Wolf Rider (10/0) - 1000 cr
White Skull (0/7) - 800cr
----->White Skull (0/7) - 850 cr
Harpy (4/1) - 80cr
----->Harpy (5/5) - 200 cr
Rept Hai
2 generals
Enemy military loses 4x military on attacks
+15% offense when attacking with both generals
(Add)Venom attack*
*Tribes attacked by a rept hai incur consecutive military losses for 1-4 updates (as engineered virus)
Blade Runner (9/0) - 1,100 cr
-----> Blade Runner (9/0) - 800cr
Dual Wielder (8/2) - 650cr
-----> Dual Wielder (7/7) - 950cr
Ruler age +20 years
Cannot explore
Deals 20% more damage with blasphemy crusade
20% resistance to magic and thievery
-25% mana and tp
Mortal (0/0) - 40cr
----->Possessed Mortal (0/0) - 42cr
Black Rider (6/0) - 666cr
----->Black Rider (9/0) - 999cr
Wraith (9/9) - 1600cr
----->Wraith (13/13) - 2300cr
Gollum (0/0) - 660cr
----->Gollum (0/0) - 666cr
High Elf
All military units are immortal
(added) Cannot explore
Slinger (0/0) - 85cr
----->Slinger (0/0) - 15cr
Sage (6/0) - 650cr
----->Sage (9/0) - 900cr
Longbowman (0/6) - 750cr
----->Longbowman (0/9) - 975cr
Priestess (3/4) - 350cr
----->Priestess (6/6) - 600cr
Rogue (0/0) - 350cr
Berserker (8/6) - 880 cr
-----> Berserker (9/6) - 915 cr
* Can send 50% to 100% in offense of opponent's defense, with maximum damage dealt with 100% of offense sent. Destroys a number of homes, equivalent to 10-20 arsons depending on how much offense is sent. Homes destroyed cannot be built upon for 2 updates.
* 6 hour attack time; 4 for viking
* Optimal damage range from 50% to 150% of your tribe land size
* Losses equal to blasphemy crusade
* Deals 50% more damage in war
* Ravens deal 33% of normal damage
* Seizes enemy's incoming acres (minimum amount 10% of enemy's total land, can take all acres if within sufficient range)
* Optimal grabs within 70% of your landsize
* Losses equal to BG
* Explores 50% of land commandeered
Boze (Renamed Land Claim)
* Self op
* Each 2500 thieves sent on average explores 1 acre
* Minimum size 400 acres
Truth's Eye
*Reveals amount of remaining mp of the target out of total
* Universal spell
* Cast on enemy tribes. Lasts 1 hour
* Negates immortality and "Fountain of Resu"
Efficient Mobilization (Human spell)
* +5% regrowth
* Every update, 0.25-1.5% more military units of each type are automatically trained
* Destroys a number of homes
* Success rates similar to dragon apprentice
* Deals more damage when the caster is less than 2000 acres, and less damage above 2000 acres.
Meteor Storm
* Destroys up to 0.5% of enemy markets and barracks
Lightning Bolt
* Can only be cast on an enemy that has attacked you or an ally and whose troops are still returning.
* Cost equal to fireball
* Kills up to 0.25% of the enemy's returning military
Deep Forest
*-10% explore costs instead of +15% explore costs
Anthrax ----> Fear
"Your mage inspires terror in the weak-hearted. X basics have fled."
"Your undisciplined soldiers flee from supernatural horrors. X of your lightly trained basics have deserted."
* Remove banks (replace with barracks)
Citizens per Building
* Homes: 300
* Walls/Churches/Guardhouses: 20
* Farms/Markets/Mines/Labs/Yards/Barracks: 15
* Weaponries/Academies/Guilds/Hideouts: 10
* Walls: Remove the reduction to citizen losses. Add that 1% walls results in 2.5% lower land & military losses when attacked.
* Weaponries: Add that 1% weaponries results in 2.5% higher land gains.
* Churches: 1% churches provides 1% resistance to magic and 2.5% reduction in magic damage
* Guardhouses: 1% guardhouses provides 1% resistance to thievery and 2.5% reduction in thievery damage
* 1 barracks holds up to 50 defense specs, 75 elites or 100 offense specs/thieves
* 1% barracks reduces military training costs by 0.5%
* 1% barracks reduces military upkeep by 2.5%
* Max 20%
* If a barracks holds no military units, it can hold 15 citizens instead. Each barracks will fill up in order of (1) Off specs/thieves; (2) Elites; (3) Def specs & (4) Citizens.
Fixed issues with the number of troops calculated
* Removed war penalty.
* Removed old science bonuses from advisor pages.