
Age 21 Changes

Closed Archived Martel opened this discussion on

Martel -


Age 21 Changes List
Thanks Iluros

Race Tweaks Cont'd

Light Elf
(Add)+10% spell success rates

Maiar (3/0) - 950cr
----> Maiar (3/3) - 875
Istari (0/4) - 1700cr
-----> Istari (0/5) - 1700cr
Valar Scion (2/3) - 875cr
-----> Valar Scion (2/4) - 1300cr


Oleg Hai
+30% land gains on attacks

(Add)2 hour military training time

Harpies are mercenaries and will join immediately when trained and serve you for 4 months. Once their duty is over they return as citizens.

(Add)Automatically trains 50 white skulls for every 1 acre conquered

Gnome (0/1) - 100cr
----->Gnome (2/2) - 50 cr
Wolf Rider (7/0) - 500cr
----->Wolf Rider (10/0) - 1000 cr
White Skull (0/7) - 800cr
----->White Skull (0/7) - 850 cr
Harpy (4/1) - 80cr
----->Harpy (5/5) - 200 cr


Rept Hai
2 generals

Enemy military loses 4x military on attacks

(Changed)Enemies lose +15% bonus to defense on raids
+15% offense when attacking with both generals

(Add)Venom attack*

*Tribes attacked by a rept hai incur consecutive military losses for 1-4 updates (as engineered virus)

Blade Runner (9/0) - 1,100 cr
-----> Blade Runner (9/0) - 800cr
Dual Wielder (8/2) - 650cr
-----> Dual Wielder (7/7) - 950cr


Ruler age +20 years
Cannot explore
Deals 20% more damage with blasphemy crusade
20% resistance to magic and thievery
(Changed)25% magical casting failure
-25% mana and tp

Mortal (0/0) - 40cr
----->Possessed Mortal (0/0) - 42cr
Black Rider (6/0) - 666cr
----->Black Rider (9/0) - 999cr
Wraith (9/9) - 1600cr
----->Wraith (13/13) - 2300cr
Gollum (0/0) - 660cr
----->Gollum (0/0) - 666cr


High Elf
All military units are immortal

(removed) Homes hold 360 people
(removed) 1% churches provide 3,5% protection (instead of 3%)
(added) Cannot explore

Slinger (0/0) - 85cr
----->Slinger (0/0) - 15cr
Sage (6/0) - 650cr
----->Sage (9/0) - 900cr
Longbowman (0/6) - 750cr
----->Longbowman (0/9) - 975cr
Priestess (3/4) - 350cr
----->Priestess (6/6) - 600cr
Rogue (0/0) - 350cr


Berserker (8/6) - 880 cr
-----> Berserker (9/6) - 915 cr



* Can send 50% to 100% in offense of opponent's defense, with maximum damage dealt with 100% of offense sent. Destroys a number of homes, equivalent to 10-20 arsons depending on how much offense is sent. Homes destroyed cannot be built upon for 2 updates.
* 6 hour attack time; 4 for viking
* Optimal damage range from 50% to 150% of your tribe land size
* Losses equal to blasphemy crusade
* Deals 50% more damage in war
* Ravens deal 33% of normal damage


* Seizes enemy's incoming acres (minimum amount 10% of enemy's total land, can take all acres if within sufficient range)
* Optimal grabs within 70% of your landsize
* Losses equal to BG
* Explores 50% of land commandeered


Boze (Renamed Land Claim)

* Self op
* Each 2500 thieves sent on average explores 1 acre
* Minimum size 400 acres

Truth's Eye
*Reveals amount of remaining mp of the target out of total



* Universal spell
* Cast on enemy tribes. Lasts 1 hour
* Negates immortality and "Fountain of Resu"

Efficient Mobilization (Human spell)

* +5% regrowth
* Every update, 0.25-1.5% more military units of each type are automatically trained


* Destroys a number of homes
* Success rates similar to dragon apprentice
* Deals more damage when the caster is less than 2000 acres, and less damage above 2000 acres.

Meteor Storm

* Destroys up to 0.5% of enemy markets and barracks

Lightning Bolt

* Can only be cast on an enemy that has attacked you or an ally and whose troops are still returning.
* Cost equal to fireball
* Kills up to 0.25% of the enemy's returning military

Deep Forest
*-10% explore costs instead of +15% explore costs

Anthrax ----> Fear
"Your mage inspires terror in the weak-hearted. X basics have fled."
"Your undisciplined soldiers flee from supernatural horrors. X of your lightly trained basics have deserted."


* Remove banks (replace with barracks)

Citizens per Building

* Homes: 300
* Walls/Churches/Guardhouses: 20
* Farms/Markets/Mines/Labs/Yards/Barracks: 15
* Weaponries/Academies/Guilds/Hideouts: 10

* Walls: Remove the reduction to citizen losses. Add that 1% walls results in 2.5% lower land & military losses when attacked.
* Weaponries: Add that 1% weaponries results in 2.5% higher land gains.
* Churches: 1% churches provides 1% resistance to magic and 2.5% reduction in magic damage
* Guardhouses: 1% guardhouses provides 1% resistance to thievery and 2.5% reduction in thievery damage


* 1 barracks holds up to 50 defense specs, 75 elites or 100 offense specs/thieves
* 1% barracks reduces military training costs by 0.5%
* 1% barracks reduces military upkeep by 2.5%
* Max 20%
* If a barracks holds no military units, it can hold 15 citizens instead. Each barracks will fill up in order of (1) Off specs/thieves; (2) Elites; (3) Def specs & (4) Citizens.


Fixed issues with the number of troops calculated

* Removed war penalty.
* Removed old science bonuses from advisor pages.

Player 2 -

lol, atan i told you so. :P

Masterful -

I really like these additions. It will bring some attackers into the game other than ravens.

Castor Troy -

mages rock!!

lepel -

can one of you please kill me when age starts again, dont want to wait to change my race and ofc i dont want to reset :P

volunteers ??

and yeah very nice changes gg omg

sanzi -

idd gg omg

this makes up for ssoooo many ages without changes

gj iluros + marty

bloodball -

speechless... this is very good!!

Nepherius -

<3 martel :))

HenDo -

looking forward to this age :)

asdf -

OK this changing every dam race every round is out of control. to much i can not keep up with it all. it not making me comfortable with playing. Why do you guys change so dam much at one time?

Cecil -

my naz have been beefed up again

Dev Lord Iluros -

Admittedly, it is a lot of changes at once. However, race balance had been a serious issue for a long time and almost every race required a rehaul in order to balance things given the lack of old science and the different environment that the game presents than the one in which many of these races had been designed.

It was done in stages, and now that the major work as been done, there wont be this many race changes in the future, though some may undoubtably require some tweaks in the coming ages. You can begin to feel comfortable playing again knowing that these major changes will slow down from now on. There was just too much to do to spread it out over the ages, we want to be able to get to other things.

Corian -

nice ;)

CBeast -

I have a few questions and comments:

Lightning bolt: I'm wondering about the losses from this op- it says up to .25% of returning troops. What would the average be? Because it seems like this could destroy a significant amount of an attackers army. Also, does it work on immortal units?

Mortality: I don't think this spell is going to be very useful. The only time I can foresee it being used is if some alli with a bunch of ravens decides they want to hit another alli with dozens of HnRs....

Truth's Eye: Does it still let the opper know what spells are running as well? Because that's a very useful piece of knowledge sometimes.

Churches: Not sure how I feel about these yet against mage level 50+ templars...we'll see. Is the change expected to make it more or less difficult to kill a person with 20% churches?

Dev Lord Iluros -


Lightning bolt: I'm wondering about the losses from this op- it says up to .25% of returning troops. What would the average be? Because it seems like this could destroy a significant amount of an attackers army. Also, does it work on immortal units?

The average has not been determined yet as spell changes are not yet coded. However I would say the damage should be capped at 0.5% at the most. Basically it works as a deterrent towards attacking mages in WM or their allies, and gives the mage something to do that has some bite. It does work on immortal units (just like anthrax destroys immortal basics).


Mortality: I don't think this spell is going to be very useful. The only time I can foresee it being used is if some alli with a bunch of ravens decides they want to hit another alli with dozens of HnRs....

Also nerfs the power of UD and HE a bit for more than just human races. The problem was that mortality wasn't a very useful racial self spell either, and made immortality extremely powerful against everything but vikings.


Truth's Eye: Does it still let the opper know what spells are running as well? Because that's a very useful piece of knowledge sometimes.

Self spells are still revealed, with the extra bonus of seeing the target's mana.


Churches: Not sure how I feel about these yet against mage level 50+ templars...we'll see. Is the change expected to make it more or less difficult to kill a person with 20% churches?

Previously 20% churches blocked 60% of all spells. Now, that percentage of churches block 20% of all spells and reduces the damage by 50%. I believe this affects mages with higher mage level more than mages with lower mage level, because while the success rate doesn't change very much for dragon mage depending on mage level after about 25 or so, the damage does change significantly.

CBeast -

Oh and what happens with the banks I have when the change happens? Do they automatically become barracks?

Martel -

They will become barren land, to rebuild as you please [:)]

Masterful -

And will my longbowmen all become 0/9 ;)?

But I won't be able to explore for the rest of my life :(

Dev Lord Iluros -

To be honest I'm not sure what will happen to your account. You're not even supposed to be allowed to play HE so it doesn't even make sense that you are.

I believe it should change them to 0/9's. If I were you I would do as large of an explore as possible and get ready to buy off specs.

Masterful -

Well, this was my account back from age 12. So when I resurrected myself I got stuck with HE again. Wish I would've kept my dragon.

CBeast -

I finally got to 12.5k acres and my banks were above 400... and now they're leaving

Martel -

All changes are uploaded, good luck in Age 21!

Please report any bugs here - Topic: BUGS. [:)]

Sebulba -

there is a spell called Fear

what does this do?

Martel -

I've updated the post, Fear should have been in it as well:
Anthrax ----> Fear

Name and concept change, numbers remain the same.

Jamzi -

With Raze can I assume that raven attack time is still 1 hr? Just as the explanation mentions Viking it makes me in doubt

"6 hour attack time; 4 for viking."


Iluros -

Yeah it's 1 hour for ravens, just like blasphemy crusade. Would be rather hilarious if it were 6 though, the raven would be most certainly screwed. :D
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