
Age 28 Changes

Closed Archived HaRRy opened this discussion on

HaRRy -

These are the final game-play changes for the upcoming age.

A discussion about the preview of these changes can be found Here

Changes/fixes that are less important to gameplay can be found in the bugs thread(and actually several more minor bugs were fixed after that post)

A bug tracker will be added to the game. This will allow us to more easily find all reported bugs in a nice listing and fix and archive them. This will replace all other means of bug reporting. More info will follow.

Race Changes age 28 (replaces the Age 27 Changes)

Uruk Hai
Hill Troll (9/2) - 1365 cr
Hill Troll (8/3) - 1250 cr

Triple crown costs for explores
Double crown costs for explores

Change: 50% less mana
35% less mana and plans (or 65% of normal)

Remove: 500% losses on blackclaws
Add: 33% lower combat losses (two/thirds of normal combat losses)
Change: Deals 60% of normal damage on BC, raze & pillage
Deals 75% of normal damage

Blackclaw (2/0) - 90 cr
Blackclaw (2/0) - 130 cr

Razorwing (0/5) - 640 cr
Razorwing (0/6) - 740 cr

Blackwing (5/5) - 750 cr
Blackwing (5/6) - 835 cr

Change: 1 mana gained for every 75 citizens killed by attacks
1 mana gained for every 75 citizens or military killed by attacks

Change: Markets and barracks hold half
Non-homes hold half (including markets and barracks)

Change: 1 weaponry counts as 0.75 guilds
1 weaponry counts as 0.5 guilds

Other changes Age 28

Size penalties
- Penalties include thievery actions, mage actions and non-military damage from attacks.
- Small vs big(200% of) tribes will have a 25% penalty.
- 60% of your size: 30% penalty.
- For every other % size difference big versus small another % penalty is added with a max of 60% penalty.

Free explored acres when grabbing
- 50% -> 30%

Minimum T/M building damage
- a tenth of the normal damage based on building type is used as minimum damage based on the absolute total land of the defender.(this is minimum even after other damage reduction variables) And the absolute minimum being 1 of the targeted building type.
* Meaning: Arson normally does 1% damage on total amount of homes. This means the minimum damage is 0.1% on total land. When you calculate it you will find that below 10% homes the minimum starts working.
* Since the minimum is found after guard houses, the guard houses will have no effect on the damage done once the minimum is reached.
- Wildfire and Engineered Explosives now destroy 0.75% instead of 0.65%

Military losses on raze
- Losses depending on % of required offense sent.
- Lowered the default military losses for the defender. Previous/6.

Heritage caps
- Added a minimum heritage to be able to train 250 DPA with the most efficient unit
- Added a maximum heritage to be table to train 450 DPA with the most efficient unit
- Numbers might change a bit without any prior notice.

Pollito -

Looks Good [:D]

Lord Saggy -

Love it.
A leaf for food? Are we ants? [:o]

I sort of liked the older Citizen icon.

Love the rounded boxes [:D]

One thing;
When I scroll down the page, it freezes, and jumps and zooms down the page really fast. I noticed it when checking out Classic awhile back..
I, do not like it. Is there anyway to fix it?

Bolle -

Err if it does so at classic it's probably your browser or not aatw's problem ;P

HaRRy -

When I scroll down the page, it freezes, and jumps and zooms down the page really fast. I noticed it when checking out Classic awhile back.
I, do not like it. Is there anyway to fix it?

Possible fixes(or a combo of those) Get a computer that has the speed to support rendering of a simple website. And/or get a modern browser. New versions of for example firefox, chrome, safari have much faster rendering engines than their older versions and internet explorer.(though it always depends on the test suite used)

A leaf for food? Are we ants?

It really was the best looking icon I could find.

I sort of liked the older Citizen icon.

That icon also didn't fit entirely and taking this icon is much easier than trying to resize an already small icon. Also this icon shows more than 1 citizen making it more fitting for a citizenS icon.

WoodPecker -

2 Things:

The barren for when you attack should still be 50%

The changes for dwarfs and balrogs should be more drastic ex:
Dwarfs 65% less mana (blasphemy crusdade could kill one)
Balrog - 0 wep to guild ratio, they already are the strongest race and for them not to build guilds is a little ridiculous, 15% extra land without guilds thats 8-10% more land they can do whatever with

HaRRy -

Try being sooner next time :)
Almost all changes were posted in the gametalk forum as a preview.

The barren for when you attack should still be 50%

Just not going to happen unless you provide a real good reason, preferably in the game talk forums.

The changes for dwarfs and balrogs should be more drastic ex:
Dwarfs 65% less mana (blasphemy crusdade could kill one)
Balrog - 0 wep to guild ratio, they already are the strongest race and for them not to build guilds is a little ridiculous, 15% extra land without guilds thats 8-10% more land they can do whatever with

Balrog weaps as guilds bonus will most likely be removed next age. As also said in the preview topic.
Dwarfs... I don't think they will need drastic changes. Hard to kill now, yes. But while being hard to kill they also have disadvantages.

Dev Lord Iluros -


Dwarfs 65% less mana (blasphemy crusdade could kill one)

Dwarves had 50% less mana, we changed it to 35% less and also tacked it on to plans. This means dwarf became a moderately better mage, and a moderately worse thief, which was needed due to explore costs going down (enabling dwarf thieves to grow faster). Making it 65% less mana and no change to plans would make dwarves unusable as mages and imba as thieves (unless, of course, it was 65% less for both, in which case dwarf could only ever go attacker).

Basically, we wanted to open up the option of a T/M dwarf explorer.

I'm not quite sure I understand your reasoning mentioning BC, but you seem to be saying that if they were even worse mages(/thieves?) they would be required to run higher building percentages to go T/M, thus being more vulnerable to the BC attack. But if they are that sucky of a T/M they simply wont choose T/M builds in lieu of attacker builds.

Sasuke Uchiha -

ok. we are now under penalty age system.
if i know the kind of penalty :
what is the meaning of “penalty”.
1. more attacker army killed ?
2. less enemy land gain ?
3. less enemy ciz/army killed ?
4. minus own acres existing ?
5. or what ?
tq [;)]

mazja -

which thread ( i thought it was age 27 mid changes) did harry put the updated mobile friendly game accessability changes? I cannot find it, and since then i have not been able to update frommy phone![cry]

Dev Lord Iluros -

Sasuke Uchiha -

still no effect for me unless just need more times to kill.
not good penalty [:(];
i prefer for all :
1. less gain/damage enemy land, plus
2. more attacker army killed, including immortal unit.

peace [;)]

ohh btw, this penalty system should be not effect when under war. [evilgrin]
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