
Age 29 Changes

Closed Archived HaRRy opened this discussion on

HaRRy -

Changes age 29
This is pretty much the same list as the one that has been around for several weeks in the Game Talk forums.Sorry for being a bit late for announcing it here, I hoped someone else would do it

Race Changes
Removed all extra mana from weaponries
Devil 1340 cr --> 1400 cr
Demon (15/13) --> (14/13)

And for age 30 it might look like this(exact numbers are missing)
Quote: Joe

Offspec- 25/0 - very expensive
Defspec- 0/15 - normal cost
Elite - 11/11- cheap

Add: 50% lower combat losses
Add: 50% lower thief losses on failed ops

Rogue (0/1) - 450 cr
Rogue (2/1) - 475 cr

Red Dragon 1350 cr --> 1400 cr

Light Elf
Istari 1500 cr --> 1600 cr

Clerics (5/0) --> (5/1)

77% losses --> 2/3rd losses

- Pillage: Increase gains from destroyed buildings by 200%.
- Changed default building damages for Wildfire/Engineered Explosives/Tunneling to 1% instead of 0.75%. 1% is the same as Arson.
- Altering the heritage bonus a bit for some races.
- Poison Water: sending 1 thieve will result in a minimum of 50 citizens killed.
- important! Barracks will not reduce military training cost while in protection.
- Warding: 0.25% more population --> 0.5% more population
- Economics: 0.25% lower military training costs --> 0.5% lower military training costs

THANK YOU for all the bug reports. I won't include all bug fixes in this preview. But I can tell you, it helped a lot to have the bugs organized in 1 place.
Reports marked as “In progress” are the things that are fixed next age.
- Went back to 3 possible layouts(removed experimental) and added a lot of the experimental+some more styling to the defaults.
- Re-arranged the advisor pages.(because of technical reasons but after you get used to it I'm sure it seems even more natural than it was)
- While fixing some layout issues I decided to start with HTML5. So for code junkies; you might see some refreshing source code(some pages more than others).
- While redoing HTML and CSS, mobile support has improved even more. Opera Mini will work 100%!(also, all data will be delivered compressed for mobiles to save a little bit of data)
- Added a script to fix CSS(layout styling) problems in IE6 and IE7. Might slow down your browser for a bit but should fix all the important layout problems. Though I would still advise everyone to upgrade their browser(too bad some companies won't allow it)
- Removed some annoyances in the archives. Should now always show correct data.
- Added a pager on the mail page. Showing 30 mail per page.

Surge -

Very nice changes this time around, these are what age changes are supposed to be like!

Has the HTML/CSS changes been implemented yet? Cant wait to check my mobile

HaRRy -

No changes has been uploaded yet. I can't say when they will because I simply don't know.

I really hope your mobile phone will work [:)] I can only test 2 browsers on my own phone.
1 is pretty much the same as the iphone so I'm sure iphones work and the other is Opera mini which can be installed on the majority of phones.
So if it doesn't work with your native browser you could try going to with your mobile and install Opera mini.

(I have to admit, I still prefer a real computer)

Surge -

Ill try that. just messed with my phone browser settings and disabled java and images and enabled smartfit and it works fine as is anyway.

Martel -

Logins are temporarily disabled while I upload the changes for age 29.

~ Martel

Martel -

All changes are uploaded, happy age 29 [:)]

Corian -

Sorry guys, i am having some problems with Mozilla Firefox viewing the game after the uploaded changes... format problems... IE is ok, the problem is that i almost donÂ't use IE [:s]

Martel -

After you've made sure that you
1) have refreshed your browser properly ([ctrl]+[F5] in FF) to clean out possible old JavaScripts
2) that you're running the latest version (Help -> Search for updates...),
please make time to describe the problems you have in a new bug report.

Thank you for doing either or all of these [:)]

Corian -


Donnie -

Yes firefox working fine for me

Lord Saggy -

Can you please change the underline code with Age on the Alliance Page.. make it dissapear
Imo, it's ugly [:s]

Pitty about the Barracks not helping during protection. I normally get huge DPA using Barracks first up.
I'm still well defended now anyway.. ahh.

HaRRy -

Can you please change the underline code with Age on the Alliance Page.. make it dissapear
Imo, it's ugly

Your lucky day, I agree.

Pitty about the Barracks not helping during protection. I normally get huge DPA using Barracks first up.
I'm still well defended now anyway.. ahh.

Which gave you too much of an advantage. So, good change imo.

Lord Saggy -

Ahhhh, thank you good Sir Harry.

Martel -

Age 28 Stats

10,087 citizens by Orkfian Gods #17
Standard Attack
3,043 acres by Warm and Fuzzy #36
65 homes by Orkfian Gods #17
Largest Kill
16,326 acres by Warm and Fuzzy #36

AatW Stats

Counting Since
February 2010
Online Last 5 Minutes
10 players online (max 55 players)
16.54% infected (max 19.67% infected)
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