Age 30 changes will be announced soon and uploaded before age 30 begins.
/ Martel & all staff
King of the Hill Age 29
1. Wicked Demons #45 Well That was lame :( 52 years on top
2. Orkfian Gods #17 Goodbye Malystryx :( 32 years on top
Largest Alliance Age 29
1. Wicked Demons #45 Epic ! 2647 OE 168,119 acres
2. Orkfian Gods #17 Its a new age! 2680 OE 95,357 acres
Timeline Age 29
2600 – 2609 OE Orkfian Gods #17 Goodbye Malystryx :( 10 years on top
2610 – 2661 OE Wicked Demons #45 Well That was lame :( 52 years on top
2662 – 2683 OE Orkfian Gods #17 Its a new age! 22 years on top
Age 29 Stats
5,645 citizens Orkfian Gods #17
Standard Attack
2,263 acres Orkfian Gods #17
75 homes Orkfian Gods #17
Largest Kill
11,090 acres Orkfian Gods #17
AatW Stats
Online Last 5 Minutes
11 players online (at most 35 players)
1.81% infected (at most 19.39% infected)