Race Changes
Add: Double non-home building space (including markets and barracks)
Add: 1 wall produces 1 rogue per update
Pikemen (2/0) - 200 cr
Pikemen (4/1) - 950 cr
Crossbowmen - 1000 cr
Crossbowmen - 1150 cr
Knight (3/1) - 500 cr
Knight (3/2) - 650 cr
Instantly replenishes 1 mp for every 75 citizens killed during attacks
Attacking replenishes mana 0.15 points of mana per acre of the target
High Elf
Add: 2 generals.
Mori Hai
Add: +1 food per thieve per update
Remove: 25% less food needed.
Homes count as 2/5 hideouts
Homes count as 2/5 hideouts and 1/5 weaponries(not capped at 20% weaponry bonus)
Def specs 0/7 975 cr --> 0/7 1050 cr
Will be removed from play for(at least) 1 age.
Nazgul will come back with no basic self spells and most likely unit stats closely to what they are now.
For the current nazguls:
Elite (12/12) - 1850
Elite (11/11) - 1650
Oleg Hai
Def spec (3/7) - 875 cr
Def spec (3/8) - 1000 cr
5/12 self op gains
1/2 self op gains
Add: Hideouts hold 35 thieves
Def Spec (0/8) - 1250 cr
Def Spec (0/9) - 1400 cr
Fountain of Resu: Will now also reduce military training costs. The base line discount is 5%, which increases the smaller you are below 2000 acres.
Pestilence: Will lower military losses, for cursed races, on attacks by 25%.
Other changes
- Double click on tribes in the alliance will redirect you to the external affairs page of the tribe.
- Impossible to write non numbers in the input fields on the construction, invasion and military training page.
- A text telling how many acres you're trying to build on the construction page.
- Clicking the numbers of barren/buildable or typing a number in one of the construction fields will recalculate the amount of acres you can build on with the current goods. So you can just buy goods with the searchbox and get the number updated without leaving the page.
- On military training the max you can train(except for basics) will be updated while typing.
- Invasion page now looks like all other action pages.(should also fix some problems with mobile browsers)
- Changing the invasion target will give a link to the archived intel of that tribe.
- On the left side of the invasion page shows a suicide-meter simply saying how much def you're sending away with your attack and how risky that is. It updates while typing in the amount of units you want to send out.
Age 32 Changes
Closed Archived Dev Lord Iluros opened this discussion on
Dev Lord Iluros -
[EM] -
Yea cause brit def was way too cheap
[EM] -
Also, whens the estimated time for change uploads? Between the ages?
Iluros -
I think you'll find the Brit prices will be quite fair. ;)
h412ry -
so, fountain wont help on unit losing when attack or defend ryt? Hmm..
HaRRy -
Yea cause brit def was way too cheap
If that was sarcasm, you missed the other (new) advantages of britts.Yea cause brit def was way too cheap
so, fountain wont help on unit losing when attack or defend ryt? Hmm..
It's an additional effect so, fountain wont help on unit losing when attack or defend ryt? Hmm..
Sasuke Uchiha -
Will be removed from play for(at least) 1 age. <==== ???? when this is happen ? auto dead ? what about the heritage bonus ?
Nazgul will come back with no basic self spells and most likely unit stats closely to what they are now. <== keep the mata spells pls.
Will be removed from play for(at least) 1 age. <==== ???? when this is happen ? auto dead ? what about the heritage bonus ?
Nazgul will come back with no basic self spells and most likely unit stats closely to what they are now. <== keep the mata spells pls.
Bolle -
Will be removed from play for(at least) 1 age. <---- meaning you can't choose em.
HaRRy -
Pestilence + basic regrowth is 10% regrowth.
That's plenty for a nazgul, it's not like they ever need to recover citz from mass exploring.
But you don't have to worry about it. We'll change it while nobody is playing naz.
That's plenty for a nazgul, it's not like they ever need to recover citz from mass exploring.
But you don't have to worry about it. We'll change it while nobody is playing naz.
jammed -
do FoR and pest stack?
[EM] -
We'll have to wait and see about the brit thing ;) The wall/rogue thing is a nonfactor, but the double building should be nice.. let's hope it's nice ENOUGH! Did the calcs, but still prefer real-time analysis
HaRRy -
do FoR and pest stack?
Yesdo FoR and pest stack?
The wall/rogue thing is a nonfactor
The wall/rogue thing is a nonfactor
How so? Walls for britts will be much more beneficial than mines/yards/farms.
About 600 cr earned per wall per update(of course only useful if you actually want thieves) + you need less raw def.
Of course you will have to start choosing between some buildings since barracks will also be nicer to have.
Iluros -
Even if walls were a nonfactor, the costs would still be fine thanks to the FoR change. But EM wouldn't know that. ;)
my3l00u -
Hi, just want to double confirm. Is each of mori's home count as 1/5wep, then every 5 homes will give additional 1% of weap bonus ? I'm so confuse now.
Iluros -
1 home = 1/5 weaponry
1% homes = 0.2% weaponries
So it's every 5% homes gives an additional 1% weaponry bonus. Not every 5.
1% homes = 0.2% weaponries
So it's every 5% homes gives an additional 1% weaponry bonus. Not every 5.
my3l00u -
i see, thx
[EM] -
When could we possible see these changes being uploaded? Or is it whenever Martel puts down the Swedish Pale Ale and does it :P
h412ry -
so, when new age start?
HaRRy -
All should happen somewhere tomorrow.
HaRRy -
As you might have noticed already, I uploaded the changes.
I'm noticing something wrong with the server myself but that actually started before I started uploading.
I'm noticing something wrong with the server myself but that actually started before I started uploading.
HaRRy -
Copy of mass Private Mail:
During the uploading of the age changes a file got
wrongfully replaced resulting in errors that
prevented updates to happen.
This should be fixed now. No data has been lost.
The game will be running again soon after sending
this mail. Hopefully this time _with_ updates.
I hope you all enjoy the age changes!
During the uploading of the age changes a file got
wrongfully replaced resulting in errors that
prevented updates to happen.
This should be fixed now. No data has been lost.
The game will be running again soon after sending
this mail. Hopefully this time _with_ updates.
I hope you all enjoy the age changes!
HaRRy -
Global pausing is turned off.
If all goes well age 32 will begin in about 8 hours. That's Orkfian year 2864
If all goes well age 32 will begin in about 8 hours. That's Orkfian year 2864
my resources still 0.
not updated.
wow, the last i selled my resources is 8hours ago.
not updated.
wow, the last i selled my resources is 8hours ago.
HaRRy -
I fixed a more than likely cause for that a few minutes ago(seemingly a problem with my computer)
[EM] -
Even if walls were a nonfactor, the costs would still be fine thanks to the FoR change. But EM wouldn't know that. ;)
Even if walls were a nonfactor, the costs would still be fine thanks to the FoR change. But EM wouldn't know that. ;)
Be nice if it had some sort of decent success rate! Max ML for my size and havent been able to cast it for several days :P 40 some fails. Hehe
Iluros -
You can always ask an ally to cast it for you. I'll even do it, though my fingers may slip and send a dragon mage instead. I'm such a clutz!
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