Concerning changes which immediately and considerably affect gameplay
Enjoy reading
Although not at all sure that these changes will be implemented in age 42, this is nevertheless a heads-up that these changes will happen sooner or later. If not in age 42, they will happen in age 43.
Essentially, it depends on the amount of time our coders (HaRRy, Max, Robokop, Acwder) can spend in the coming weeks, and the amount of time they actually need. This is pretty hard to estimate in advance.
These changes are by no means exhaustive: they are part of a multi-stage overhaul of the game. This announcement does not list additions, only removals and significant alterations
The market system will be changed. I just posted the new system in our forum for discussion and fine-tuning; once that's happened, it will be posted as a separate announcement thread for everyone to study.
The new market system adds a decay ratio to goods in the unaccounted goods section.
Goods will no longer linger for ages. They will disappear slowly; therefore, start practicing on keeping a positive balance as alliance as a whole and as tribes individually.
Excess goods currently in the market might be cut down manually to fit in with current negative balances found in the alliance. E.g. if all tribes in an alliance together have a negative soldier balance of 2 million while the unaccounted goods section has a positive balance of, say, five million soldiers, the unaccounted goods section will be cut down to 3 million so as to prevent the alliance from having a considerable strategic advantage for ages to come.
Note: this might also not happen at all. Just addressing possible concerns in advance.
The new market system will also allow tribes to trade their records. There is no actual change in the number of goods on the market. However, this allows a properly planning alliance to transfer a potentially dangerous debt of, say, 1 million logs, to a player with a positive amount. This prevents the occurrence of one million negative logs in the unaccounted goods section; although these negative goods will “decay”, “creating” real logs in the market.
Finally, there will be a new trade system allowing the trade of player records with the unaccounted goods section. This probably involves the creation out of thin air of goods; however, it also means the disappearance of other goods currently in the market. The net result of the exchange in credit worth is always 0. Only negative balances in the unaccounted goods section may be lifted this way: it is impossible to create, through trade, a negative balance in the unaccounted goods section or absorb a positive balance.
Last but not least:
The following races will no longer be available for choosing upon starting a new tribe, e.g. will be removed from play:
The following race will probably be brought back:
The following spells or spell effects will be removed:
Efficient Mobilization.
Fountain of Resurrection unit price reduction. This leaves the military losses reduction intact. Tribes below 2000 acres still have a definite income advantage because of citizens paying a lot more taxes, from 4 crowns per citizen at 400 acres to 2 per citizen at 2000 onwards. This already exists, it is not a change.
The following spells will be altered:
Pestilence. Will become stronger.
Heal. Will become stronger.
The following spells will be added:
New Human race spell. Probably boosting science in some way.
That is all for now. You can see it is by no means a finished list.. however, now you know what will be changed and to a certain extent how it will be changed.
~ Orkfia Staff
Age 42 Preview of changes
Closed Archived Bolle opened this discussion on
Bolle -
Noobisher -
2_Smokin_Kotaraci -
Dragon Mage -
hmm nazgul sounds fun
Meskalander -
I can't understand if the markets credits will be save when the next age will starts?
Bolle -
Credits will be safe. Goods in the unaccounted section (unowned goods) might not be.
Necros -
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