
Age 42 Changes

Closed Archived Bolle opened this discussion on

Bolle -


Dwarves, Undead, Dragons and Balrog are taken out of the game: they can no longer be picked as a race when starting a tribe. They will return in Age 43.

Returned from the grave:


2 hour returntime
Immune to intercepts
25% magic and thievery auto-blocking, including SELF-spells/ops.

Possessed Mortal 0/0 50 cr
Black Rider 5/2 450 cr
Bloodpet 0/7 800 cr
Wraith 6/5 850 cr
Gollum 0/0 250 cr

Race changes


Seraph 0/9 1400 cr → 1300 cr


Sentinel 0/4 1,200 cr --> Sentinel 0/4 1100 cr


trait added: +25% Mage Level


Efficient Mobilization human race spell removed.

Introduction of new human race spell: Conjured Focus.

Conjured Focus produces 1 rp per 500 citizens each month. This means that with 100k citizens you will receive 200 rps each month. Mana cost and difficulty of the spell are the same as with Efficient Mobilization. Conjured Focus lasts 1-10 months.

Fountain of Resurrection no longer reduces the cost of units.

Pestilence and Heal

Both spells are changed.

Pestilence: non-voidable effect.

Cost: like other racespells.
Effect: Cursed races gain +10% regrowth and +5% offence.
Non-cursed races gain -20% regrowth, but pestilence does not negate positive modifiers (like 5% from base growth, 10% from Matawaska River, 10% from Brood.
Pestilence spreads on all types of successful military attacks. Hitting an uninfected tribe does not infect your own tribe but only infects your target. Getting hit by an uninfected tribe does not infect your own tribe but only infects the invader. Two infected tribes will infect eachother.
Duration: Acreage / 500 months, with a maximum of fifteen months. Casting it results in 1-10 updates no matter your size.
Fame: Casting or spreading does not affect fame.

Heal: Alliance spell with instant effect (rather than duration).

Cost: Similar to Seal of Deflection (self spell * 2).
Effect: Shortens Pestilence and Venom effects by 1 month.
Difficulty: Succesrate only depends on Mage Level of the caster and eventual race traits (magic resistance) and is the same as on Fountain of Resurrection.
Fame: same as is gained by casting Seal of Deflection.

Spell added:

Cleanse: Dark spell

Cost: Same as Heal.
Effect: Similar to Heal, but on an enemy tribe.
Difficulty: Similar to Mystical Rust. Target can defend against it with Mage Level, Churches, Seal of Deflection and so on.
Fame: 5 fame gained per month cleansed.


The functioning of the market is changed significantly. For a detailed account, see

Essentially, the unaccounted goods section, which is so often seen accumulating over the ages as players come and go and leave their goods behind, will disappear slowly. Everything that ends up in the unaccounted goods section slowly decays.
Goods in the unaccounted section are modified by 0.985 each month; this means 1.5% of these goods is lost.

In order to solve the problems this creates, market records are automatically traded – under strict conditions – with the unaccounted section and other player's records.
Records only trade records. There are no effects on the actual goods on the market. However, the trading of records may prevent the decay of goods, although it cannot change the kind of good that decays.

Most important is that Soldiers cannot be traded. This is due to their varying credit worth in orkfia as basics have different prices for different races. So be certain to train enough soldiers all of you, because any accumulations you have will slowly decay once they end up on the unaccounted section.

Issues with starting a tribe, mergers and defections, and war spoils are dealt with in the thread on the market. Generally, credits and records are tied to a tribe and move where the tribe goes.

Note: all this (the market) is hoping the coders find time to code this. Thus far, it looks like they won't be able to have finished it in time. This means it will probably be uploaded somewhere during the age. You'll be notified in advance.

Disclaimer: mid-age changes might occur, although they will hopefully only be technical changes in the code. Watch the Orkfia Weekly for these changes.

These changes will probably concern war spoils and a change in the damage of raze, turning it from a raw percentage based on land to a percentage based on homes (as is the case with arson and Dragon Mage).

~ Orkfia Staff

Nimrodel® -

Thx for your time and this work.
I'm happy to naz back....
I'm happy too that next age can be a science age with new human spell.

Noobisher -

If fountain no longer reduces military costs, don't forget to modify heritage to compensate for that, otherwise we'll see tribes returning from heritage with 100dpa or around (I'm talking about those smaller)

sanzi -

when will the changes be implemented?

Bolle -

If possible, at the start of age 42.

Noodle -

Hope it doesnt turn out to be bad........[:(]

Cecil -

heal should remove 1-3 or 1-4 updates at higher acres

Bolle -


It is impossible for max (who is best at this sort of thing) to code the market at such short notice. It will be implemented when it is finished coding, which is probably in about 4 weeks. Because it is such an extensive change, it requires extensive testing and a complete overhaul of quite a large part of the code, not to mention the checks and balances Dev put on it.

Summary: the market will not be changed for four more weeks.

Bill -

For is gone???

Bill -

Well for troop costs? That sucksssss

Bolle -

no Bill, it's a fact. I don't know if it sucks. And if you cast FoR you can see that the changes aren't uploaded yet [:p]

sanzi -

ffs start the age already! [evilgrin]

Nimrodel® -

Can you forcast a date for begin of this age ?

Acwder -

Need HaRRy to start the age and Robokop to upload the changes.

h412ry -

yeah.. with no FoR after tribe come from heritage.. he'll be nice target to grab..

max -

Changes are now live!

In addition to the age changes, this has also been changed (you can consider it bug-fixes, list may be incomplete):

Brittonian has normal thief-losses on ops (up from 50%)

Uruk Hai elites no longer has -20% losses

no longer 10% less attacker-losses if offence > defence

May cast heal on Light Elfs again

Light Elf +15% spell success go both way again (was only for LE advantage)

HnR defender losses is now 4%*mods*off/def with a cap on 4%*mods (from (1%*racemods + 3%*off/def)*othermods with no cap)

Nimrodel® -

nice :) you do a great job !

k-man -

any idea on when the age will start now that the changes are uploaded?

Kaito -

so just wondering... i died and got a small heritage - except training all that i could (so obviously training basics from citz) i managed less dpa/opa (ie military) than if i reset... really? that basically means people under 3k should just reset when they die...zzzz

Telkor -

Is there a reason they got rid of FoR's troop cost? I remember it was put there to help smaller tribes grow up faster. Or is this a powerplay from the dev's being in top allis? :)

Belgarion -

i thought nazguls couldnt explore or is that a new ability?

ScorpiAS -

They couldn't in the past. Now they can ;)


2 hour returntime
Immune to intercepts
25% magic and thievery auto-blocking, including SELF-spells/ops.

Possessed Mortal 0/0 50 cr
Black Rider 5/2 450 cr
Bloodpet 0/7 800 cr
Wraith 6/5 850 cr
Gollum 0/0 250 cr

Thats about everything you need to know about nazguls. Everything else is gone ;)

HaRRy -

Starting the age :)

It's a regular length age.

Necros -

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