
Age 44 Changes

Closed Archived Bolle opened this discussion on

Darkwing -

fear, 20 hours ago

and weaps got down tuned alot aswell Darkwing :)

Frisbee, 18 hours ago

And defenders get 25% walls, so no it doesnt help a bit, and Hes fame that they get 50% more fame is kinda useless now when they dont get it to off aswell...

Sure, but the age old issue still remains why weps are good and walls are useless. You build weps 4 hrs before your planned attack, then you attack and immediately raze your weps as you don't need them anymore, and build mines or whatever.

With walls however, the defender has no idea when he will be attacked so must run walls 24/7. Even then, some cyclops spells will tear those walls down faster then the blink of an eye (believe me, that's fast. one blink takes 300 - 400 milliseconds - source Wiki :-))

Make peace [heart] not war [:D]

Noodle -

Exactly Bolle you said it urself that alot of races has already been changed, so why change them again?Too many changes.
Ok whatever, make all the changes u want but if U want a small player base..(like myself) and others to play, I want the admins word that there will be no changes in the next few ages, say like 3-5.Otherwise I will cease to play.
To many drastic changes hurts us all.

[EMP] -

They're dutch. Do you really expect competence? Blame Martel for not leaving the game in at least semi-capable hands.

Bolle -

I've seen a lot of people complaining about the amount of changes lately, not to mention the polling. And I missed something in my last post, which I'd like to mention anyway. You see, these changes aren't suddenly concocted, nor are they new to you guys. They were addressed and open for comment since October 2011. They're in fact a stickied thread in Game Talk, the very top thread. If the list looks like a deja vu, there's a reason for that. Check this url to view the thread:

Having a goal doesn't mean attaining it is going to be easy. I hope this helps you guys cope with it, though.

Noodle -

Tyvm Bolle for explaining it to me.

Arcanium -

so with the changes to barracks how does that affect dwarves who rely on barracks as one of their main homesteds?

Joe -

You can also happily view the changes as a big boost to Dwarves because the blocking power is increased. A Dwarf could run 25% of CH, GH AND Bastions receiving a 75% chance to block any op/spell AND getting a good reduction in damage done from succesful spells AND attacks. This is more max protection than they originally were able to muster.

Also, all other (inefficient) races do have the same disadvantage in a greater manner, because all nonhomes are standardized to 10 pop (instead of 20 from turtling buildings and 15 for growth ones).

All in all, I have little clue if Dwarves will become more or less powerful compared to other races.

Joe -

Citizens held by non-homes
Non-homes currently hold 10, 15 or 20 citizens. This is changed into 10 citizens for every non-home building.

I assume the race traits from Draggie and Balrog keep working the same? (I.e. Balrogs receive 5 pop for nonhomes and Draggies 2 pop?)

Arcanium -

yeah but to go from 100 to 10-20 is a major difference in poulation size.

it is not so much the cost efficiency to train to to defend it is about the population i speak of. sorry for not being more clear on that.

Arcanium -

worse part is with population the cost of dwarven units will be hard to maintain.

higher pop=higher crown production

25% bastions don't help production.

dwarves rely on the braacks to help population and help lower unit costs.

so if my understanding is right a dwarf will now have to become as i like to refer to as a “market whore race”.

meaning one will have to max out farms,yards and mines to gain somewhat of a decent population.

all this extra wood and food will just fill the markets just to house population needed to support an army.

if one has to rely on such means then i truely think unit costs should be a little more affordable to those who play the race to compensate the loss of cost effciency, and population loss.

Joe -

Umm, but all Dwarven buildings hold 100 population? You could run any buildings for the citz?
Yeah, farms/yards/mines will ofcourse produce most resources. But they don't provide any defence. You could just as well run GH/CH for the same citz if you really DON'T want the food/wood filling your market (beats me why you wouldn't want that though)

Arcanium -

•All buildings except guilds, hideouts and labs hold 100 citizens

what does that truly leave

yards farms mines

walls and weaponries well we know a fame rapers delight there so they must be avoided it left barracks, wich in turn if you look you will see dwarf has the most expensive units.

wich like i said smaller population from the buildings to avoid becomeing a market whore, or becoming a fame rape target. wich means troops will be harder to train for one due to cost and population used to train basics.

i guess it does come down to cost efficiency in the end.

Joe -

Umm.. So what's wrong with GH, CH and Bastions? You hate protection???
Running 25% CH and weaps/walls next to it shouldn't be THAT tasty for a famerape when he autofails 75% of spells?

Arcanium -

i have nothing against protection, i just realized i started out on one thing and in the end my concern was truly about cost efficency after all.

players want to maximize population to up their crown production while lowering unit costs as a dwarven attacker.

but in order to lower unit cost as a dwarf you have to take a drastic change in population count. seeing dwarves are the most costly units in the game that kind of sucks. you will create population needed to produce crowns but you lose out on the brarracks cost bonus.

as you can see
Military Units
Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Grunt 0/0 50 cr
Off Hammer Smasher 7/0 1,050 cr
Def Stone Thrower 0/7 1,150 cr
Elite Grey Beard 8/3 1,300 cr
Thief Short Cloak 0/0 350 cr

now if a player was running a op based or mage based tribe it wouldn't be all that bad since they would have to just train a def unit. but as an attacker running just elite with a unit that has low def spec and a high off spec one has to train a def unit as well wich is rather costly. so one does rely on lower cost from barracks. but now running barracks in a way hurts an attacking race with high unit costs, because he or she is forced into using other means togrow population. in a way it is a disadvantage to those who chose to play dwarf. i truly believe unit costs should be lowered to compensate the loss of lowered cost to balance them out a bit.

EMisGod -

Alliances at Turtled Growth

These changes rock.

Twinnie -

Remove: Each barracks holds up to 100 offense specs/thieves, 75 elites or 50 defense specs

Haha nice XD

So as britts lose:

20-30% of my population since most britts run 30-40% markets/racks (which is pretty much how britts can make decent $$ to afford those incredibly expensive specs)

this in turn makes Conjured Focus 20-30% less efficient, which I remind you guys just made it 50% less efficient (I do agree it was imba to begin with but now it's total crap)

I guess im just gonna have to rebuild into a bunch of mines making 200 crs equivalent an hour :P

I see that nearly every race got tweaked down but you pretty much made humans unplayable XD

Sonix -

Although I haven't done any calculations myself, w/ the building/exploring reduction and also the new 'less military lost' feature of the barracks, even though citizens won't be as high, i think they will reduce costs of a lot of other things.

Dwarves don't use barracks in war-mode already so they won't be missing the extra population while they are in war-mode. Also, for attacking dwarves imagine losing like 1k less units on an attack/defending an attack. thats instantly saving 1.3m crowns. That is a benefit of barracks as well.

Twinnie -

dwarves are not affected as much but britts sure are

regarding to costs reduction, the manner in which it offsets largely favors attackers and most importantely does not equivalently benefit races that normally generate higher income, explorers are not supposed to (if played properly) lose much troops and they will be unable to run high markets to lower outrageous explore costs at larger sizes, the only race that could still afford it are britts yet their income is completely destroyed by the changes and the lil bonus they had from conjured focus is now useless, even if you were to tweak def specs costs down for them...

Acwder -

omg you mean that with these changes both mori and brits are nerfed? Oh my, what a shame, what about those that wanna go for 30k brits and moris?..

see what I did there?

Twinnie -

lol i dont see whats the problem of having moris reach 20k (i havent seen a britt get even close even tho they can in theory) when all they can do is sci whore for a while on top

it's not like the race is overpowered early or end stage anyway, it just so happens that beyond 10k only britts and moris can either afford to explore or have enough TPA to LC their way up but this is only if they have either outgrown or killed (which is most likely) their pursuant attackers

this change cuts my civies count by nearly a half and im not even running high TPA yet, i guess it doesnt matter much since britts r getting out of play but it's just a nice way to screw all current ones on the spot

Twinnie -

Bolle: Whats wrong with the old orkfia? XD

what sux with changes now is well the whole infinity concept... if everyone resets and dies @ age end it's fine but screwing with a bunch of races in play to this extent is definitively frustrating :P

Bolle -

But I suppose I could write a very concrete list with things we think really mess AatW up and how these changes fix them.

Twinnie -

by old i meant classic XD

nice thread tho but the markets/racks change pwned britts who needed it for pop and income :(

Twinnie -

can we have a specific date and if possible ST on when these changes will be coded in?

you know so i can brace myself to lose half my pop and turned into 40% markets XD

max -

Goal is to apply the changes ASAP after the age ends.

“Age 43 This age will end in 6 years”

That is about 3 days from now.
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