Age 47 changes
Dear orkfians,
another age has passed, and some races have not spent their time idly. Freed from the suppressive reins of their masters as a result of summer vacation, they have taken the artistic liberty to change their way of life. What is more, the universe itself has changed subtly in some ways. For instance, generals no longer depend wholly on the mental health of their decrepit leaders for guidance.
The winners and losers of this age will be published along with the AatWards.
Mori Hai
0/5 550 cr -> 500 cr
5/4 750 cr -> 825 cr
7/9 1250 cr -> 1200 cr
Uruk Hai
Changed: 25% more losses in combat (for both the uruk and its target). This trait does not negate immortality.
Changed: Guilds now add 0.75 to max tp while Hideouts now add 0.75 to max mp. Guilds do not regenerate tp and Hideouts do not regenerate mp.
High Elf
Removed: 2 generals (can send out 2 separate armies). Sending both general gives +10% off, +25% land gains, +25% damage.
Added: 1 fame gives a 0.001% bonus to offence and a 0.002% bonus to land gains and damage done on attacks.
Added: 20% chance of not showing up in the alliance news.
Removed: general leaving at the end of one's life and all effects associated with it. As a warning to suiciders, we might just code it so that if you attack and you die during that time, you'll die once that general is home.
Players are given the option to start with 0 fame. Whether you can choose this on the race choice screen or when leaving protection mode is still uncertain.
Polls and other topics
We conducted a poll to inquire about changing the pace of the game. The results indicated that it would be a good idea to focus on making the first and latter part of one's life more exciting, as well as adding more war-like aspects (in any form) to the game. We will focus on that for the coming ages, as well as on making races more interesting. Changing the pace of the game wasn't appreciated though, so we will not change that at all.
On another note, suggestions for improving or radically changing the game's interface are welcome. This includes the current setup of dropdown menus. Finally, we want to improve how the game looks and were specifically looking for some sort of style. Graphics would take a slightly more important role without hampering an easy navigation of the site. The style should be consistent and not too pronounced.
Why these future goals? Because some of the pictures (like the icons for resources) were hastily gathered, and because the dropdown menus have become excessively full.
Sneak preview: age 48 changes
Note that these changes might not happen. However, they most likely will happen.
Owl: on offensive operations, thieves are out two hours rather than one.
Dark Elf: 5/7 750 cr becomes 5/7 800 cr.
Balrog: improved offence and defence specialists, most likely reduced cost.
Undead: rather than just immortal vampires, the race as a whole might be turned immortal.
Fame: We will probably use fame as a source for nice traits like we did with High Elf. You are welcome to suggest races you think are boring and help think about traits related to fame.
Thanks for playing!
~ Orkfia staff
Age 47 changes
Closed Archived Bolle opened this discussion on
Bolle -
d0nc35 -
i don't mind if like this :
Changed: Guilds now add 0.50 to max tp while Hideouts now add 0.50 to max mp. Guilds add 0.25 to regenerate tp and Hideouts add 0.25 to regenerate mp.![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
High Elf
Removed: 2 generals (can send out 2 separate armies). Sending both general gives +10% off, +25% land gains, +25% damage.
Added: 1 fame gives a 0.001% bonus to offence and a 0.002% bonus to land gains and damage done on attacks.
you need fame 12.500 = land min 9k (hope you not die before)![Thumbs down [down]](/pics/emoticons/thumb.png)
sneaky![Eek! [:|]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-eek.png)
Owl: on offensive operations, thieves are out two hours rather than one. <== make it this incoming age
Changed: Guilds now add 0.50 to max tp while Hideouts now add 0.50 to max mp. Guilds add 0.25 to regenerate tp and Hideouts add 0.25 to regenerate mp.
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
High Elf
Removed: 2 generals (can send out 2 separate armies). Sending both general gives +10% off, +25% land gains, +25% damage.
Added: 1 fame gives a 0.001% bonus to offence and a 0.002% bonus to land gains and damage done on attacks.
you need fame 12.500 = land min 9k (hope you not die before)
![Thumbs down [down]](/pics/emoticons/thumb.png)
![Eek! [:|]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-eek.png)
Owl: on offensive operations, thieves are out two hours rather than one. <== make it this incoming age
![Evil grin [evilgrin]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-twist.png)
Jolten -
What's with the owl change? Might as well give raven 2 hour return time on all attacks then.
xiannic -
It does seem to make Owl's pretty pointless, yeah you can grow quick, but they would be useless in wars.
Sonix -
Not even a little bit. For one, they now have 0/8 def specs. Or you can jsut send half of ur thieves which gives you pretty much similar sendable tpa as other thieves. Or just suicide like a lot of ppl like to do in wars.
Bolle -
That depends Jolten. You assume:
1 - that you'll have enough tp to use all your thieves.
2 - that you'll rely for defense solely on your thieves.
3 - that you're forced to use all your thieves/tp in one tick.
You could go for a safer warmode and therefore not need to send all your thieves. You could use defense specs. You could take multiple ticks to spend all your tp, thus reducing the risk a lot.
Or, you could just take the risk for one hour. It's not as if you don't miss the tick as raven (or Owl). Most Owls I know will be happy to take the risk and just stay put without defense.
1 - that you'll have enough tp to use all your thieves.
2 - that you'll rely for defense solely on your thieves.
3 - that you're forced to use all your thieves/tp in one tick.
You could go for a safer warmode and therefore not need to send all your thieves. You could use defense specs. You could take multiple ticks to spend all your tp, thus reducing the risk a lot.
Or, you could just take the risk for one hour. It's not as if you don't miss the tick as raven (or Owl). Most Owls I know will be happy to take the risk and just stay put without defense.
xiannic -
The Owl's I know don't use def-specs. Sending half thieves means half the output, that makes a HUGE difference in making a kill, and would still leave you open to be hit back - unless you think 150 DPA is enough!
I don't understand what has led to the change - they got nerfed enough last time out with the reduction from 0/6 to 0/5.
I don't understand what has led to the change - they got nerfed enough last time out with the reduction from 0/6 to 0/5.
Bolle -
Sending half thieves this tick means you can send the other half the other tick. It means the same output but in two ticks.
It's quite easy why this change would be necessary: Owls can indeed go full thief (although most do not). A full thief owl runs like 60 TPA. He can also run 70% HOs if he wants to. That's a lot of arsons. Other thieves can also run 70% HOs, but they will lack thieves and their return time is much longer. What's more, 65 TPA makes the Owl ideal versus other thieves - and they can't retal cuz the Owl is home straight after opping.
It's quite easy why this change would be necessary: Owls can indeed go full thief (although most do not). A full thief owl runs like 60 TPA. He can also run 70% HOs if he wants to. That's a lot of arsons. Other thieves can also run 70% HOs, but they will lack thieves and their return time is much longer. What's more, 65 TPA makes the Owl ideal versus other thieves - and they can't retal cuz the Owl is home straight after opping.
Sonix -
The Owl's I know don't use def-specs.
The Owl's I know don't use def-specs.
Those owls' citi/mili ratios are probably quite low now already which means they're already risky.
Sending half thieves means half the output
Sending half thieves means half the output
That half output is the “full output” of every other thief race.
would still leave you open to be hit back
would still leave you open to be hit back
and should be the risk of having an immense power advantage over every other thief.
I don't understand what has led to the change
I don't understand what has led to the change
0/6 - 0/5 theives for 0/5 - 0/8 def specs is hardly a nerf. The changes are indirectly coming from the fact that all other thief races were made significantly weaker.
xiannic -
Yeah, you could do all those things, but you'd be dead to opposing mages before you would get your second load off since you would be running 0 defence.
Sonix -
Then run 15% churches, 5% guilds and 50% hideouts. Still, every other thief won't have enough theives to use all that tp while owls can easily do so. Owls are the only thief race that hasn't really experienced a reduction in efficiency and because of that reduced efficiency, all other thief races struggle to get a good citi/mili ratio w/ just 30 tpa.
xiannic -
So fix the other thief races!
Mages are already able to kick out more firepower.
Mages are already able to kick out more firepower.
Bolle -
It's not a matter of firepower, it's a matter of tactics. Having thieves forces the enemy to defend against them. And mages generally face guys who have loads of defence versus mages.
The only reason the Owl change wasn't done this age already is that there are loads of people playing Owl who had not expected a change like this. Like lowering defence, it is therefore a case of announcing it one age in advance.
The only reason the Owl change wasn't done this age already is that there are loads of people playing Owl who had not expected a change like this. Like lowering defence, it is therefore a case of announcing it one age in advance.
Sonix -
Also, it's not like there is a problem with other thief races. They can still deal out ample damage, it's just that owls can deal out significantly more. I played owl last life and not only was I able to fire off 70+ arsons on multple occasion, against other thief races I had a huge success rate as well easily succeeding on 50 or 60 arsons unless they had GH.
Amir -
owls have a weakness that other theifs dont really have already! that being that if u BC them a few times the lose almost 50% of their def! i think that right there is weakness enough without adding 2 hr return time. with 2 hour return time frankly owls arent worth playing. right now owls are semi worth playing as long as you are very active and have great attacker back up. owls basicly force other allaince to run attackers which is a great thing... but if you go around nerfing everything then there wont be much anyone wants to play and once again we will have a smaller player base as is slowly more aparent when u look at each ages player base....
u do big random changes on a race and then no one plays it... looks at urk, LE, balrog, reptai, nazgul....
u do big random changes on a race and then no one plays it... looks at urk, LE, balrog, reptai, nazgul....
![Crying [cry]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-cry.png)
Sonix -
BC isn't as scary for an owl as you'd think it would be. I got BCed a couple time at 10k acres and only lost 10k thieves from 1 BC. That's easily 1 TA's worth of theives which isn't too bad at all because of the 2 hours training time. There isn't enough use of BC for it to be an actual concern for owls.
Magician -
i agree with BC not being that scary. There are not that many attackers and thus not that many attackers in range to actually BC an owl. Put in the fact that most attackers take an additional 2 hours to return from a BC they cant do that much damage.
PureVapes -
I've only played attacker but I have to agree that BC is very powerful against Owls. With only 1 BC per day, I was able to effectively shut down most growth on one Owl by taking 250-300 (9-10%) of their total land and 4k-5k thieves (1.8-2 TPA) each time, not to mention a solid number of defensive units.
Sonix -
Their land doesn't go away, it comes back 2 ticks later. Also, if the owl doesn't have any hideouts then BC isn't going to destroy as much. on top of that 5k thieves is 2.5m crs. You can BC every 6 hours, he can TA for atleast 1.5m every tick. you do 2.5m crs of military damage every 6 hours and in that much time he can get about 6m crs back (assuming 4 outta 6 TAs succeed).
Military loss your side is higher than normal on BCs as well but you don't have access to the TA funds that owls do.
Military loss your side is higher than normal on BCs as well but you don't have access to the TA funds that owls do.
PureVapes -
What about military costs and reconstructions costs? Also, some races can BC more often. Doesn't TA need Hideouts?
Bolle -
I moved this discussion to gametalk, see
Please continue there so people can comment on other aspects of the changes. It's clear enough that the Owl change is controversial
Please continue there so people can comment on other aspects of the changes. It's clear enough that the Owl change is controversial
![Wink [;)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-wink.png)
Sonix -
military costs are high on both sides so I wasn't counting that. As for construction costs, TA has more of a 70-75% chance of success so more times than not, he might succeed on 5 outta 6 if he was on for them. The excess crowns he gets back after subtracting the 2.5m are probably more than enough to reconstruct, and if he doesn't have HOs then there isn't even much to reconstruct.
Also, TA doesn't require HOs, it's 0 tp and intel ops are 0 tp for owls so essentially, owls have no need to run any hideouts outside of war mode.
Also, TA doesn't require HOs, it's 0 tp and intel ops are 0 tp for owls so essentially, owls have no need to run any hideouts outside of war mode.
Sonix -
-double post-
Reprieve -
i rather like these changes but i dont like the removing to generals for High Elf i was looking forward to trying that out
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
farnold2 -
I think I agree everyone that this makes owls useless.
Cecil -
imo it just makes them not op
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