King of the Hill
[ ]Mafia #19 (44 yrs on top)
[ ]KARMA POLICE #27 (30 yrs on top)
[ ][OG II] #71 (19 yrs on top)
Largest Alliance
[ ]Mafia #19 (131,056 acres)
[ ]KARMA POLICE #27 (61,899 acres)
[ ][OG II] #71 (58,053 acres)
Congratulations all!
Click HERE for full details
~ AatW staff
Age 46 winners
Closed Archived Sweets opened this discussion on
Sweets -
rEdL|nE -
noobs :P
Smokey -
One might say that Acreage score is pretty sweet.
Mazja -
Are those the only awards done nowadays?
Pollito -
/me hugs Mazja
Mazja -
/me hugs pollito!
Noodle -
Mazja -
Noodle! Where have u been! I've been back for days now, lol
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