Age 58 changes
Dear players,
Mainly some race tweaks this time.
Dark Elf
Remove: 150% of normal mana regeneration rate
Add: Abysmal Trance
- 200% of normal mana regeneration
- Lasts 2-4 hours
- +10% magic damage for one tick after Abysmal Trance runs out.
- Can be voided
- For the duration of of Abysmal Trance, you cannot cast spells.
- Same cost and difficulty as a race spell.
0/4 600 cr -> 0/4 520 cr
Change: 50% chance to elude an attacker -> Gain 10% chance to elude every tick (max 50%). Every time an eagle eludes an attack, elude chance is reduced with a flat 20% (so from 50% to 30%).
--> Only tribes who would otherwise have broken the eagle's defenses can be eluded.
Remove: 75% of normal military losses in combat
Remove: Cause 150% of normal military losses to defenders when attacking
Add: Bloodthirst - Every month attack damage and military losses inflicted upon the enemy increases by 5%. Max +50% after 10 ticks. Only regens if the army is at home, so total regen time after use is 14 hours.
--> Bloodthirst is not reset after being eluded, but it is reset after a retreat.
Rept Hai
Being eluded no longer resets Cunning.
OLD: TPA required per op: base_TPA_required * 3/(((x<=2000)(1/3+x/750))+(x>2000)(1+2*log(x/333)/log(6)))
NEW: TPA required per op: base_TPA_required * 3/(((x<=2000)(1+x/1000))+(x>2000)(1+2*log(x/333)/log(6)))
This change lowers the TPA required for <2000 thieves. It now scales from 2 TPA to 1 TPA rather than from 3 TPA to 1 TPA.
In other news:
- Jamzi made a nice tutorial concept which has allowed Dev to get a grip on it. This should result in a tutorial mode within an age or two, provided developers and coders can find the time to complete the required tasks.
- There are as yet no changes related to the unwanted consequences of multi-wars and multi-kills (respectively, two alliances opping one alliance and two alliances opping one tribe), which has been plaguing AatW ever since killing was first implemented. That is because I figured that the legal route is a much easier solution than any restrictions through game mechanics could ever be. Of course this is an ongoing process, but any attempts in the legal area should have failed or succeeded by the end of age 58.
Feel free to comment on the age changes in this thread. For extended discussions please go here.
~ AatW staff
Age 58 changes
Open Archived Bolle opened this discussion on
Bolle -
Twinnie -
Change: 50% chance to elude an attacker -> Gain 10% chance to elude every tick (max 50%). Every time an eagle eludes an attack, elude chance is reduced with a flat 20% (so from 50% to 30%).
Change: 50% chance to elude an attacker -> Gain 10% chance to elude every tick (max 50%). Every time an eagle eludes an attack, elude chance is reduced with a flat 20% (so from 50% to 30%).
Darkwing -
why eagle nerf? That was the only reason people would play them
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
fear -
not really a nerf, I've seen people try to attack eagles and fail 7-8 times or more in a row
Sonix -
The point of the eagle nerf was less about making it easier to grab them and more about making attackers actually have a presence when attempting to KT an eagle.
It also rewards persistence and allows for people to raid RF listed eagles too without too much worry about getting eluded.
It also rewards persistence and allows for people to raid RF listed eagles too without too much worry about getting eluded.
Jinx -
Remove: 75% of normal military losses in combat
Remove: Cause 150% of normal military losses to defenders when attacking
Add: Bloodthirst - Every month attack damage and military losses inflicted increases by 5%. Max +50% after 10 ticks. Only regens if the army is at home, so total regen time after use is 14 hours.
Remove: 75% of normal military losses in combat
Remove: Cause 150% of normal military losses to defenders when attacking
Add: Bloodthirst - Every month attack damage and military losses inflicted increases by 5%. Max +50% after 10 ticks. Only regens if the army is at home, so total regen time after use is 14 hours.
So will vikings incur more military loss even on a grab as well? Will it increase every tick even though offense for a grab remains the same? Or does this mod ONLY affect vikings on destructive attacks?
Sanzo -
Do Viking lose their bonus if they retreat or missbattle (like cunning)? Or do they only lose it after a successful attack?
Bolle -
Inflicted = damage dealt, not taken.
Nope. It does what it says it does.
@Sanzo, Vikings lose their bonus when they retreat.
As for missbattle, that's a good point. It could follow either the Uruk or the Rept rule - I tend towards actually making Rept AND Viking follow the Uruk rule.
Will it increase every tick even though offense for a grab remains the same?
Will it increase every tick even though offense for a grab remains the same?
Or does this mod ONLY affect vikings on destructive attacks?
Or does this mod ONLY affect vikings on destructive attacks?
Nope. It does what it says it does.
@Sanzo, Vikings lose their bonus when they retreat.
As for missbattle, that's a good point. It could follow either the Uruk or the Rept rule - I tend towards actually making Rept AND Viking follow the Uruk rule.
mazja -
Where are the descriptions for “abysmal trance” and “blood thirst” you speak of?
Bolle -
Add: Abysmal Trance
- 200% of normal mana regeneration
- Lasts 2-4 hours
- +10% magic damage for one tick after Abysmal Trance runs out.
- Can be voided
- For the duration of of Abysmal Trance, you cannot cast spells.
- Same cost and difficulty as a race spell.
Add: Abysmal Trance
- 200% of normal mana regeneration
- Lasts 2-4 hours
- +10% magic damage for one tick after Abysmal Trance runs out.
- Can be voided
- For the duration of of Abysmal Trance, you cannot cast spells.
- Same cost and difficulty as a race spell.
Add: Bloodthirst - Every month attack damage and military losses inflicted upon the enemy increases by 5%. Max +50% after 10 ticks. Only regens if the army is at home, so total regen time after use is 14 hours.
--> Bloodthirst is not reset after being eluded, but it is reset after a retreat.
Add: Bloodthirst - Every month attack damage and military losses inflicted upon the enemy increases by 5%. Max +50% after 10 ticks. Only regens if the army is at home, so total regen time after use is 14 hours.
--> Bloodthirst is not reset after being eluded, but it is reset after a retreat.
mazja -
Ok sorry, i misunderstood
CBeast -
For Absymal Trance- You can cast no spells at all? It seems this should only limit offensive spells.
It would suck to get elendian voided while Trance is still on and get killed. If it's meant to be risky though, I suppose it's fine...
It would suck to get elendian voided while Trance is still on and get killed. If it's meant to be risky though, I suppose it's fine...
Pollito -
0/4 600 cr -> 0/4 520 cr
0/4 600 cr -> 0/4 520 cr
500...or 450
Twinnie -
if they void ur elidian they might void abysmal trance as well XD
Bolle -
or ask your teammates to void abysmal trance
![Wink [;)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-wink.png)
Wolfbrother -
Will the duration of abysmal trance be random when you cast it? Or can you choose a duration?
Sonix -
random between 2-4 hours
Smokey -
If trance is voided does it provide the damage bonus?
Bolle -
Fascinating question, I'll come back to that
![Wink [;)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-wink.png)
Sanzo -
When do you reckon these changes will be implemented?
Somehow I feel like we always ascend to #1 just in time for “between ages time”
Somehow I feel like we always ascend to #1 just in time for “between ages time”
![Confused [:s]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-confuse.png)
Old guy -
That is not a good strategy sanzi
Sanzo -
I can't help it! But I think we will lose #1 just as the age starts
![Confused [:s]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-confuse.png)
Darkwing -
![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Bolle -
If trance is voided -> bonus. Bonus lasts one tick.
If trance lasts 4 ticks and only 3 ticks of regen is needed, it ends in 4 ticks and bonus is only given after 4 ticks.
Add: Abysmal Trance is the only spell that can be cast while Abysmal Trance is running.*
* only if feasible for the coders.
If trance is voided -> bonus. Bonus lasts one tick.
If trance lasts 4 ticks and only 3 ticks of regen is needed, it ends in 4 ticks and bonus is only given after 4 ticks.
Add: Abysmal Trance is the only spell that can be cast while Abysmal Trance is running.*
* only if feasible for the coders.
I believe Abysmal Trance has been coded already so we ought to hear about it soon enough
![Wink [;)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-wink.png)
Sonix -
Abysmal Trance is the only spell that can be cast while Abysmal Trance is running.
Abysmal Trance is the only spell that can be cast while Abysmal Trance is running.
Does that come with the possibility of lowering its duration like we were discussing in dev?
robokop -
Quote: Bolle
If trance is voided -> bonus. Bonus lasts one tick.
If trance is voided -> bonus. Bonus lasts one tick.
Grmbl, that has still to be done.
Quote: Evil Incarnate
Add: Abysmal Trance is the only spell that can be cast while Abysmal Trance is running.*
Add: Abysmal Trance is the only spell that can be cast while Abysmal Trance is running.*
not really feasible.
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