
AatWard Age 58 Nominees

Open Archived Sanzo opened this discussion on

Sanzo -

Greetings, players! The nomination booths have officially closed!

Here are your nominees:

Best Tribe Name (1)

Kitty Kat Killer (#16)
-skinning kitties since '13

Shallow Be Thy Game (#22)
-Tis true! Shallow be my game :/

Anal graph reps of life (#24)
-Anal. Lol!
-Because graphs are important.

Jelly Beans cat (#24)
-I like Jelly beans

Sexually transmitted Orkfia (#24)

JOKOWI (#29)
-the name is very unique
-nice name

Steering Wheel Table (#37)
-not so best invention

Best Tribe Name (2)

The Dude (#21)
-I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing.

Slack my bitch up! (#22)
-great use of a great song :)

Mid-age Race Swap (#24)
-Played very good for his first age!

Rage-Quit-Flavor Ice Cream Cat (#24)
-Can a tribe name get any better than this?!

[KP] SuperTrooper (#27)
-original and creative

[YA] v=XjWBm1T9MHY Jesse (#33)
-cool video

Non speaking wife (#37)
-These exist!?!??!?!? I WANT ONE!!!!!!! :D /me trades his wife in for non speaking one

Best Banner

Owlery (#16)
Broken image
-if it ain't broke, don't fix it. the only banner worth not changing in orkfia

COUNTDOWN 2.0 (#24)
Broken image
-ORKFiA Achievements FTW! I want some!
-all your banners are belong to #24
-just the best
-Brilliant !!
-Awesomeness! And funny

YouTube Addicts (#33)
Broken image

Best Inventions (#37)
Broken image
-Best Inventions

Most Evul Alliance

Owlery (#16)
-dropping alliances to there knees with only half of an active alliance

SlackCamp (#22)
-they're always massive

COUNTDOWN 2.0 (#24)
-Starts wars then hits the same alliance after wars

YouTube Addicts (#33)
-they are evil
-they're the coolest and also the evulest

Best Alliance Theme

COUNTDOWN 2.0 (#24)
-all your themes are belong to #24
-cats is the best, though i am not sure what is happening now

YouTube Addicts (#33)
-when you're bored you can youtube the links and watch videos

Best Inventions (#37)
-Best Inventions that are actually useless and funny

Best Novice

Burning Legion (#13)
-He comes on IRC and seems cool+ active

[OG] Scrooge McDuck (#17)
-He is growing fast!!
-First time joiner, growing hard

Slackbird (#22)
-13k raven in first age! Amazing!
-Active helped in KT, grew to an unkillable 15k raven on his very first age

The Cat Slacker (#22)
-Had an amazing balrog, now is a fast, and smart TM player!
-Survived KTs from 24/33 and grew to 10k while helping out in war

Most Effective Team Leader

Kitty Kat Killer (#16)
-just throwing it out there :)

Nestlé (#16)
-cause even when he's not all that active he still kicks ass

Lord Slackalot (#22)
-Extreme activity and managed to put #22 back on the map

Mid-age Race Swap (#24)
-For ages on end keeping a solid alliance on end.
-KTs speak for themselves

Digital Dice (#37)
-Commands activity

Best War

Owlery (#16) v. COUNTDOWN 2.0 (#24)
-3 quick and easy kills: «» Our Kitty Kat Killer has laid the final blow to Bonbon Cat (#24)'s career.

COUNTDOWN 2.0 (#24) v. Best Inventions (#37)
-They told us they didnt mean to war us and wanted 'peace', then they had a KT on us :(

Funniest Forum Poster

-Off the wall..funny

-x) He's funny

-he makes me giggle

Most Active in Community

-I nominate myself for this because I am xD

-gosh the guy's everywhere, isn't he?

Most Helpful Poster

-he is consistently helpful

-For being supremely awesome and actually taking action on the app issue! We need more people like him, Robokop, Bolle and the others who do actual things to progress this game but currently Chonka is my favourite!!

-x) he's funny

-always there and cool nickname too

Best Debater

-Unlike me knows how to keep his words and temper.

-Edward for president

Winners of each category will be awarded with a shiny, freshly minted, limited edition medal on their Gallery Page!!!!!![:|][up]

Poll can be accessed under the Society tab, or by clicking the link below:

You can cast only ONE vote for each category. Polling will we closed in exactly ONE WEEK, so make sure to cast your vote in time!

Happy voting [:D][heart]

CBeast -

Can we nominate Chonka for best app development? It looks great!

Cecil -

well that's shadowfiends umpteenth deletion

zetta -

I see[8)]

Sanzo -

There was a tie in Best Alliance Theme.

A winner must be decided!

Please vote for:

COUNTDOWN 2.0 (#24)
Best Inventions (#37)

Since this is only a tiebreaker poll, it will expire in 30 hours. Poll can be found here:
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