
AatWard Age 59 Nominees

Open Archived Sanzo opened this discussion on

Hardar -

Bolle, 1 hour ago

Not really, cuz you're the third person in 2 days to come up with it. It would be cliche [:p]

It just proves it was obvioulsy a good name [:p]

Bolle -

Let's just go for Karma Lice... or Karma Bowl

Sanzo -


Cecil -

Nowltral selection

Kpt.Bigaon -

When will be the result of the winners?

Kpt.Bigaon -

When will be the results?

Sanzo -

The results will be announced after the poll is up for one week (in five days from now)

Burning -

Hello everyone! :)
To those who nominated and voted me, thank you very much!!
I love it! haha! :D [up]

Sanzo -

There was a tie in Best Forum Post.

This poll will end in less than 24 hours, so be sure to vote ASAP [up]
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