

Open Archived robokop opened this discussion on

robokop -

okey people, i will reset everyone and unpause the game today 21 ST, All lets see what your made of after a fresh reset.

Jon Snow -


Mr Slipperzzz -


Mr Slipperzzz -


Ted -


DaBoss -

Can't change my race. And if our war is still going on it won't let me either. Any chance we can squash the current wars?

k-man -

Is the reset going to set all market goods to zero?

Sanzo -

Most likely

robokop -

wars will be ended, and markets and research will be set to zero

Kpt.Bigaon -


robokop -

Good luck and have fun!!!

zetta -

Thank You and all who helped.[up][:)]
This will be definitely be interesting.

Scumbag -


Deleerium -

Thanks! [evilgrin] Good luck everyone

Sanzo -

Is there any way for staff to send email to everyone with an account?

Now would be a good chance for that [;)]

Demolision -

Good old days are back again [:D]

Sweets -

staff will keep watch for merger requests - i assume there are a number that will need to be done now.

make a post in global orkfia chat for quickest response

Gandhi -

and hopefully we have got rid of all the farms

Scumbag -

Demolision, 22 minutes ago

Good old days are back again


fullpullfull -

nice too see a reset and afther it some start and gain acres lol now

Mr Slipperzzz -

Time: 23:02:12
Month 7, Year 5776 OE
Age 61
Top Alliance: Development #1


fullpullfull -


robokop -

Untill people earned power this will remain the case. So better get growing and start mongering war!

Deleerium -

Hahaha that's awesome

Bolle -

Go Dev! Go!

Jamzi -

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