Age 70 Changes + Update
Open Archived Moderator_Jamzi opened this discussion on
Del -
Jolten Eagle will no longer be hybrid, they are mage (yes they can run O.K. tpa still but that may change too)
Gits -
The answer is yes Reyes. Any thief can be a mage, any mage can be a thief. Now, would it be in the best intrest of the player? That is the choice the player makes for the strat it wants to use.
Just keep in mind that 2 of the LE's traits will no longer exist.
- Remove the following 2 traits:
•Magical Void, Cleanse, Heal, Seal of Deflection, Enchantress Salem, Winds of Distress and Fountain of Resu cost 50% less mana
•Self-spells (does not include Fountain and Seal of Deflection) cannot be voided or negated
Just keep in mind that 2 of the LE's traits will no longer exist.
- Remove the following 2 traits:
•Magical Void, Cleanse, Heal, Seal of Deflection, Enchantress Salem, Winds of Distress and Fountain of Resu cost 50% less mana
•Self-spells (does not include Fountain and Seal of Deflection) cannot be voided or negated
Bolle -
@Reyes introducing new races is not something I want to do. There's too many as it is. However, making races more diverse by adding new strengths and/or weaknesses is one of my main objectives. Just note that I don't know to what extent Gits agrees, and he's the main developer of races right now.
Jolten -
Del -
I'd be for cutting races down honestly. If you want new players, bombarding them with tons of complicated mechanics and gotchas isn't super effective.
I do understand that for vets it is/could be desired, but there's not many left
![Confused [:s]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-confuse.png)
![Wink [;)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-wink.png)
Sanzo -
new race
new race
Jolten Hais
![Eek! [:|]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-eek.png)
Basic: Baby Joltens (0/-1) 27cr
Off Spec: Reyes (5/1) n00bcr
Def Spec: Buffy (0/9) 1234cr
Elite: Uber Joltens (10/-2) 1337cr
Thief: Hmmms (-1/0) 13cr
Special Abilities:
* For every Uber Jolten lost in battle, one baby jolten and one Reyes gets added to the army
* Cannot Vision
Smokey -
What about unlocking “Advanced” race options after x ages. Or how about unlocking an advanced mage race after x mage lives (or x total years as a normal mage), same for thieves and attackers.
Just throwing that out there.
Just throwing that out there.
max -
Changes are now live!
Del -
Uh oh
Sanzo -
go back to the old days when it took forever to implement changes
go back to the old days when it took forever to implement changes
![Broken [broken]](/pics/emoticons/heart-break.png)
max -
![Evil grin [evilgrin]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-twist.png)
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