Gits and Bolle are working on Race Changes for Age 71, more specific info will be announced later this week most likely.
Coding on the planned tutorial is halted indefinitely due to Del's hectic schedule right now. As a replacement for that in the meantime we will be introducing a series of short videos on various topics which will be available via youtube links ( ) from the in-game help function. The first 5 of those will be in the game from Age 71 and we will be looking for volunteers to help us add to the collection in the future.
AatWAwards questions should be updated to the new questions for Age 71 as they are just about to be submitted for coding. There will also be a few small adjustments to the Player CoC, including the addition of a new “short” version of the CoC which we hope will make people more likely to pay attention to it
![Wink [;)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-wink.png)
We have begun making preparations for advertising, which we will start in late November. We are formulating an email which we will send to the few thousand email addresses we have accumulated over the 14 years the game has been going(including yours!). We're quite hopeful that we can double our player base by around February next year (currently only 58, an increase of 4 from a month ago but usually it is steadily dropping each month). We will also step things up a gear in relation to social media (facebook, tumblr, twitter, reddit) and a few other things like that.
We had been waiting with our advertising as we have been debating in staff, what exactly we want to advertise.. ie. where do we see the game going... The main part of this discussion was deciding whether or not to bring back resets and we have now agreed to do this. Therefore from Age 74 the game will go back to its roots and resets will return. There will still be scope to return back to infinity style play as we will save the code so that if by about September 2016 or whenever we feel we have given it a fair chance, if we find it is just not working out, then it will be possible to go back to the infinity version.
All the details have not been ironed out yet of course at this early stage but it is something we believe we can do from a practical perspective. Max has agreed to code it, Bolle and Gits have agreed to develop around it and Mazja, Bruno and I have agreed LnO and Ops will still work with it.
More info will come when we have it but that's it for now.
For info these are the predicted upcoming age dates in earth time:
age70: 10th Oct 02:00:00 - 7th Nov 00:59:59
age71: 7th Nov 01:00:00 - 5th Dec 00:59:59
age72: 5th Dec 01:00:00 - 2th Jan 00:59:59
age73: 2nd Jan 01:00:00 - 30th Jan 00:59:59
age74: ? - Approx. 1st Feb 2016 (this will be manual)