Age 73: 2nd Jan 00:00:00 - 29th Jan 23:59:59
Age 73 changes:
Game Play: BC/Raze military losses for the defender are reduced if the attacker sends less than 100%. Military losses are then modified by the actual % of total defence sent, so basically sending 50% of required to break kills only 50% of the usual amount of military.
Code of Conduct addition: “5.4.1 proxy servers. - the use of proxy servers outside of your country of residence is not allowed. As is the use of Tor browser or any other kind of software/website designed to mask/hide your IP. Anyone caught using the mentioned services could be suspended or deleted, use at your own risk.“
If you have questions about how this affects your tribe personally, please message alliance #3 (Law and Order) with a report and we will get back to you.
Race Change: Uruk Hai will be rotated out of play and Raven will be rotated in. This will give people the opportunity to see if Raven is any better now online status is somewhat hidden.
Behind the scenes update:
Age 73 is the last age of Infinity (at least for a few months whilst we test if you guys like resets or not and then we will go back or forward accordingly). Age 74 will be started manually around the end of January and all tribes will be reset at once but your alliances, forums and stats in your tribe will be unaffected.
Most things will stay the same as a normal reset during Infinity play in the beginning. Dev are discussing that they may reduce or eliminate the Out Of Protection period to reduce the effort required to play resets ages. All the details are still being sorted out but will be announced soon and tweaked as we go accordingly.
Another change that is being worked on for Age 74/75 is the addition of Badges. These are visual rewards that you can choose to display on your forum posts (similar to the dragons we used to have). The Badges have different graphics and are awarded automatically by the game when your tribe hits certain achievements. They will be backdated so having an older account will be a benefit as you will find that upon the update, you may already have earned some of the more desirable badges. 12 badges of varying difficulty levels relating to individual achievements will come out in the first release with more to come in the future.
We will preview one of the badges on our facebook group during Age 73 so join the group if you would like a preview
![Smile [:)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley.png)
We have a ToDo list still going in staff with at least 29 items still remaining. This includes some big things like the Forum, the Guide, mobile interface and overall modernisation. Over 2016 we will continue to work through the tasks one by one.
With your support and by building on the considerable achievements by volunteers during not just this year but also in the past, 2015 has been the first year we have started to reverse the downward trend of player numbers.
The game almost faded away and maybe it still will but everyone’s combined efforts have meant that for the first time in years, we see player numbers starting to go up instead of down.
We have had a small increase from 53 players to 87 today which is not many individuals but percentage wise it’s great and we just need to keep building on that and working together like we all are to keep this going
All the staff at Alliances at War would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for the upcoming holiday season!