Age 76 has started
Open Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on
Jamzi -
Good luck everyone!
Cecil -
little warning next time plz
Jamzi -
yeah, fair enough, I wasn't quite sure myself what was going on+when. I did update the announcement 75 age changes thread with a new post and also by editing the existing post more than 24hrs in advance of the age start but in hindsight that wasn't the best so point noted ;)
I'll aim to announce 24hrs+ in new thread and orkfia mail everyone next time and hopefully later in the year we will come with a smarter system that will be more uniform each time and less reliant on individuals.
I'll aim to announce 24hrs+ in new thread and orkfia mail everyone next time and hopefully later in the year we will come with a smarter system that will be more uniform each time and less reliant on individuals.
rEdL|nE -
And also a bigger break between ages could be nicer :)
Jamzi -
how big a break? At the moment we aim for around 24-48hrs after age end depending on the schedule of Max and to a lesser extent me (mMx has to upload stuff and then he or I are able to start the age once that happens).
We had a break of around 5 days one age recently and then I had lots of whining so maybe it should be 2-3 days between?
We had a break of around 5 days one age recently and then I had lots of whining so maybe it should be 2-3 days between?
rEdL|nE -
could be. We could also aim for automatic builds so that max isn't the only one that can update stuff ;)
what's the current setup?
what's the current setup?
Cecil -
Reintroduce the weeklong freebie age with the insta update button?
DaBoss -
They gave warning, but it was an edit to the Age 76 changes topic. In the future I think an announcement with specifically when the age will start will help. Or maybe a countdown up at the top, similar to when the age ends, a countdown to when the age begins.
Cecil -
12 hour email is all I'd need
Del -
rEdL|nE -
I really mean it here - if you guys need help with the deployment I'd gladly help
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