
Age ends tomorrow - Timings

Open Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on

Jamzi -

Expected end of current age: 2016-05-30 18:00:00 Server Time.

Age 78 will have its first tick at 19:00ST Wednesday 1st June.

There will likely be an overhaul of the races released for Age 78 (and it will be something close to what is currently in the races thread in Game Talk) but as we are still working on finalising some parts of it, we can't confirm the details until after the age ends so please bear with us :)

A player pool has been started to make smaller but full alliances out of the players who are interested, a very friendly bunch of players are running this and all are welcome. Please sign up on this thread if you are interested:

max -

Age 78 has started!

First tick is at 19:00 ST, about 55 minutes from now.

rEdL|nE -

Or 37 and some seconds from now
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