Age 78 begins Wednesday 1st June, the first tick is 19:00 Server Time.
Race changes are still in development so there will be another big update for the July age. For Age 78 these are the changes:
Change Seal of Deflection to only block 15% of enemy spells.
MP = guilds * min(3, size/833)
TP = hideouts * min(3, size/833)
Max ML cap: max_ML=size/100
Uruk Hai
Remove: Rage
Elite Blackwing 5/5 800 cr
High Elf
Remove: immortal
Remove: 200% fame gains
Remove: all other fame bonuses
Add: Each 1 fame increases all (so t/m/a) damage by 0.003%..
Off Sage 6/0 500 cr
Def Longbowmen 0/6 550 cr
Elite Priestess 9/4 1,000 cr
Thief Rogue 0/0 350 cr
Elite Ghoul 4/3 750 cr
Dark Elf
Remove: +25% Mage Level
Remove: 125% of normal Mana regeneration rate
Add: Each 1% of alliance research provides a 1% bonus to maximum mana, mana regeneration and mage level
Basic Slinger 0/0 100 cr
Elite Nightrider 4/7 700 cr
Thief Assassin 0/0 350 cr
Remove: 125% rp production
Remove: Hideouts hold 65 citz
Add: Engineered Explosives, Wildfire and Poison Water yield goods per building destroyed (1000 kgs of food per farm, 2000 crowns per mine, 100 logs per yard). These ops remain war-only. The goods are not stolen but looted from the building's remains.
Basic Scoundrel 0/0 30 cr
Off Marauder 4/0 325 cr
Def Sentinel 0/6 525 cr
Elite Bandit 3/8 950 cr
Thief Rogue 0/0 30 cr
Remove: 2h build time
Remove: special building pop values
Remove: higher walls/weaps cap
Add: Each 1% of walls adds a 1% chance to make invading armies fail an attack on your tribe
Add: Attackers who are evaded lose 4% of their military sent.
Off Hammer Smasher 5/2 375 cr
Def Stone Thrower 0/7 700 cr
Elite Grey Beard 7/4 625 cr
Thief Short Cloak 0/0 250 cr
Remove: Starting Money: +9%
Remove: 45% homes allowed
Add: Cant build guilds
Add: Churches have the additional function of acting as guilds
Basic Monk 0/0 100 cr
Off Pegasus Knight 4/0 500 cr
Def Seraph 0/5 400 cr
Elite Paladin 0/7 700 cr
Mystic Cleric 0/0 300 cr
Age 78 Changes
Open Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on
Jamzi -
ScorpiAS -
Will attackers that are evaded from dwarf walls have 1 hour return time (same as being evaded by eagle) or 2 hours return time (same as bouncing)
Jamzi -
good question, I've no idea :-S will see if I can check on dev server later if Max doesn't post the answer!
rEdL|nE -
There's quite a big revamp and the changes haven't been deployed yet.
This doesn't leave that much room for testing.
I don't like the way it currently works.
It feels like there's no plan and we all have to be available there at the right time.
I'd prefer a clear time table, since we all have private things to do ;)
This doesn't leave that much room for testing.
I don't like the way it currently works.
It feels like there's no plan and we all have to be available there at the right time.
I'd prefer a clear time table, since we all have private things to do ;)
Jamzi -
yep, noted and I concur. There was a plan but it didn't work out so we had to kinda fly by the seat of our pants.
I am hoping to announce some new staff tomorrow for LnO and Dev so we can get back on the road to recovery again and spread the workload to ensure a more consistent result. In the future once these big game play changes are done, I am hoping to get a bit routine and automation into these age changes so that it relies less on individual humans in the chain. That's probably at least 3-4 ages away though but it's on my list!
I am hoping to announce some new staff tomorrow for LnO and Dev so we can get back on the road to recovery again and spread the workload to ensure a more consistent result. In the future once these big game play changes are done, I am hoping to get a bit routine and automation into these age changes so that it relies less on individual humans in the chain. That's probably at least 3-4 ages away though but it's on my list!
max -
Changes have been uploaded and the game reset.
Edit: also updated unit cost of Templar defspec, Dwaft offspec and elite in the announcement (they were incorrect).
Edit: also updated unit cost of Templar defspec, Dwaft offspec and elite in the announcement (they were incorrect).
ScorpiAS -
so dark elf will not be available for this age after all?
max -
Wops, Dark Elf now also available
![Roll eyes [8)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-roll.png)
Simo -
So, mori and other races are still available?
Sanzo -
I don't understand these changes. It's like you removed all the traits that made each race unique
![Confused [:s]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-confuse.png)
Kenny -
All buildings hold 100 citizens except Guilds (10) and Hideouts (40)------ yup, changed
2 hour build time----- yup changed
I know that u have invested time in developing races and it changes, and i am grateful for ur time... but i have to agree with Sanzo.
d0nc35 -
17h before tick...
ehmm.. midnight local time.
the changes to drastic but ...
let the start button on
ehmm.. midnight local time.
the changes to drastic but ...
let the start button on
![Evil grin [evilgrin]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-twist.png)
Burning -
I appreciate your time in making changes on the game for improvement, and I may not offered a contribution to game (but i really loved the game, so much) but I totally agree with Uncle Sanzo as well. The unique traits that each races have are the ones that gave fun to and excitement about the game.
ScorpiAS -
At first i felt the same. However removing what is uncertain and to large extend not balanced for the game in its current state makes sense. We nees to find a good balance between the actual races and their unit stats and price before unique traints are introduced. Give it an age or two. Test out as many races as you can. Find what is balanced, whats strong and what is weak and lets go from there.
As i said at first i was shocked and not happy with the changes but when i think about it - it was the safest path ever taken, and imo the right one.
As i said at first i was shocked and not happy with the changes but when i think about it - it was the safest path ever taken, and imo the right one.
Jamzi -
yeah sorry we crapped it up. It should get better next age as we just did a rejig in staff as new people came forward to help :) :)
rEdL|nE -
I'm here to code if it's needed, though I'd prefer not to touch PHP old code, but yeah ;)
Scarlet -
Oddly, PHP legacy code is my guilty pleasure... I was thinking of working at CCP on EVE when I heard about their legacy POS code that needed refactoring. Then they just decided to kinda phase it out instead :P
Edit: Also... I'm a Blue-Scarlet. Does this mean I'm an alien? :P
Edit: Also... I'm a Blue-Scarlet. Does this mean I'm an alien? :P
Jolten -
It means welcome to staff
Jamzi -
Thnx guys for volunteering. For now I'd like to leave Coding with Max only because in the past we had coding help (5 people at one point) and it didn't seem to get anything done faster and in-fact possibly even reduced the stuff that got done, not sure why.. maybe too many cooks spoil the broth. Also Max seems to do fine on his own (from my point of view, not sure what he thinks about that though lol :D) but what let us down recently was the ambition of the changes not matching the people we had with time to develop it. This resulted in extended timescales of our development work which in turn meant Max did not get much notice for his coding (a few days or even hours in some cases...).
Now ScorpiAS has volunteered to help us out with coordinating the player suggestions into something practical and useable by Max. I think that will have a really positive knock-on effect of how we get the changes out and the quality of those changes.
In addition Jolten, Scarlet, Cecil and Bruce will be running LnO/Ops (and I think they are all from different alliances too).
Thanks guys for volunteering and let's get cracking again
Now ScorpiAS has volunteered to help us out with coordinating the player suggestions into something practical and useable by Max. I think that will have a really positive knock-on effect of how we get the changes out and the quality of those changes.
In addition Jolten, Scarlet, Cecil and Bruce will be running LnO/Ops (and I think they are all from different alliances too).
Thanks guys for volunteering and let's get cracking again
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)
rEdL|nE -
Jamzi, it's not only coding. It's also infrastructure & refactoring.
I think I've offered too many times to help and this is only getting annoying.
no https, at least for the bloody login page
no https also means a lower google ranking
and that's just on the top of my head + a quick scan.
I think I've offered too many times to help and this is only getting annoying.
no https, at least for the bloody login page
no https also means a lower google ranking
and that's just on the top of my head + a quick scan.
Scarlet -
I had to work on an older code base to bring it from php 5.3 to 5.6 as *something* didn't transfer. So I understand where you're coming from on refactoring, it makes future dev much easier.
As we get a process flow worked out, I'm hoping we transition to more agile method with a faster turnaround times.
First thing is to sort out the backlog though.
P.S. Check your inbox :)
As we get a process flow worked out, I'm hoping we transition to more agile method with a faster turnaround times.
First thing is to sort out the backlog though.
P.S. Check your inbox :)
ScorpiAS -
Please take a minute to have a look what we will be discussing in the following days. You have the chance to comment inside trello directly or start a new thread in game talk. Each individual card represents an idea we will be considering as a change for age 79.
Have in mind that it is possible to vote for each card in order to see whats more important for the community. Please also note that given the man hours we have at the moment and that we will be implementing a new process of work not everything will make it in.
If you have any suggestions that you would like to see in the official road map for orkfia the suggestion forum is the right place.
If you would like a walk through of how to use trello dont be shy and come forward. I can prepare a short guide of what is good to know.
Please take a minute to have a look what we will be discussing in the following days. You have the chance to comment inside trello directly or start a new thread in game talk. Each individual card represents an idea we will be considering as a change for age 79.
Have in mind that it is possible to vote for each card in order to see whats more important for the community. Please also note that given the man hours we have at the moment and that we will be implementing a new process of work not everything will make it in.
If you have any suggestions that you would like to see in the official road map for orkfia the suggestion forum is the right place.
If you would like a walk through of how to use trello dont be shy and come forward. I can prepare a short guide of what is good to know.
bloodball -
how can i vote and wite comments> i created an account
Scarlet -
Click on the three lines on a post and select vote :)
(I don't think we have to add you guys as collaborators as it is public)
(I don't think we have to add you guys as collaborators as it is public)
ScorpiAS -
When you click on a card you will see its details. If you are logged in you will be able to leave a comments as well as using the panel on the right you should be able to vote (again in the cards details)
bloodball -
i cant make it happen so that i can react or vote. i creaed an account and logged out/in again but no option to write or vote
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