In addition to the other changes previously announced for Age 80 we have also added the below:
Succubus 2/0 - 300 -> 3/0 - 300
Fairy Godfather 0/9 - 800 -> 0/8 - 800
Fay Queen 3/5 - 1000 -> 3/6 - 1050
Also the below from suggestions forum:
* Option to mark all mails read
* Thieves Trap description updated to reflect last ages change where you can cast on alli mates.
* Alliance page will no longer count the land/str/fame of green tribes
* kills tally no longer resets when a tribe dies so the alliance holds on to their record in more scenarios.
There has also been some additions to the suggestions forum user interactions.
Happy New Age!
Age 80 Changes pt 2
Closed Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on
Jamzi -
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