
Age 80 Changes pt 2

Closed Archived Jamzi opened this discussion on

Jamzi -

In addition to the other changes previously announced for Age 80 we have also added the below:

Succubus 2/0 - 300 -> 3/0 - 300
Fairy Godfather 0/9 - 800 -> 0/8 - 800
Fay Queen 3/5 - 1000 -> 3/6 - 1050

Also the below from suggestions forum:
* Option to mark all mails read
* Thieves Trap description updated to reflect last ages change where you can cast on alli mates.
* Alliance page will no longer count the land/str/fame of green tribes
* kills tally no longer resets when a tribe dies so the alliance holds on to their record in more scenarios.

There has also been some additions to the suggestions forum user interactions.

Happy New Age!
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