War Damage
War damage has changed from 50% at start, 100% at 8 hours and 150% at 24 to increasing linearly by 5% each hour. Surrendering before 24 hours will incur a fame penalty on the surrendering alliance, decreasing over time: 15% at 18, 10% at 20 and 0 fame at 24 hours. After 48 hours a war will automatically end.

Race Changes
Adjustments to space efficiency on select races, and updating the racial traits on Dark Elf and High Elf.
Hammer Smasher: 600cr -> 475cr
Stone Thrower : 0/7 700cr --> Mortar Team : 0/6 600cr
Grey Beard: 7/4 950cr --> 7/3 850cr
Dark Elf
New Trait:
“Selfish”: Cannot cast alliance spells on allies.
Emesen 3/1 400cr -> 5/0 500cr
Vendo 0/5 400cr -> 0/7 700cr
Anekonian 2/8 1100cr -> 5/7 1000cr
Sprite 0/1 100cr --> 0/0 100cr
Fairy Godfather: 0/8 800cr --> 0/5 450cr
Fay Queen: 3/6 1050cr --> 0/9 1000cr
Nymph: 0/2 300cr --> 0/1 250cr
High Elf
Trait Changes:
Immortality: All units are immortal in combat
Vanity: Each point of fame gives 0.002% damage dealt and land gained on attacks, and 0.002% reduced magic damage from enemy spells.
Dimwit: 1/0 -> 0/0
Mugwump: 4/3 750cr --> 5/6 800cr
Snollyhoster: 0/1 150cr --> 0/2 250cr
Mori Hai
Goblin: 6/0 700cr --> 6/0 625cr
Axe Thrower --> Engineer
Ogre 5/4 900cr --> Mountain Ogre 5/5 900cr
Assassin 2/1 225cr --> 0/2
Phantom: 2/0 200cr --> 5/2 550cr
Poltergeist: 2/6 800cr --> 0/5 500cr
Ghoul: 3/3 750cr -> Banshee 2/7 850cr
New Flavour Text:
Barracks are the logistical backbone of your military. Aiding in the training of new troops and organizing soldiers to perform military, and non military duties. They also house the military’s mages, and informants. In times of war they are filled with military units preparing to fight.
Each barrack holds
MP and TP equivalent to ¼ guild and ¼ Hideout
Hold 70 military units and the normal 10 citizens
1% barracks result in:
- Decrease cost of training, and building by 0.8%
- Battle losses reduced by 1%
Maximum 25%
25% results in:
- 20% reduced training cost, and building
- 25% fewer combat losses
- 6.25% guilds and 6.25% HO’s