![Evil grin [evilgrin]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-twist.png)
User Interface Changes
Building order has been rearranged. Similar buildings are now grouped.
Alliance forum thread limit has been lifted
War Changes
Hostility Decay: 10 per month ---> 6 per month
Building Changes
1% blocks 2% incoming spells ---> 1% blocks 3% incoming spells
Remove: 1% reduces incoming magic damage by 1%
Guard Houses
1% blocks 2% incoming thievery operations ---> 1% blocks 3% incoming thievery operations
Remove: 1% reduces incoming thievery damage by 1%
Holds minimum(3,Tribe Size/833) Mana Points (MP) ---> Holds minimum(3,0.5+land/1000) Mana Points (MP)
Holds minimum(3,Tribe Size/833) Thievery Points (TP) ---> Holds minimum(3,0.5+land/1000) Thievery Points (TP)
Science Changes
Remove: Political Science branch
1.00% increased effectiveness of Churches & Guard houses. (max 50%) ---> 0.50% decreased building damage incurred. (max 25%)
Destroy much less if target is less then 90% of your size ---> Optimal gains for targets above 80% your size. Between 70-80% reduced gains. No gains under 70%
0.012*Land + 0.04*Homes ---> 0.015*Land + 0.05*Homes
attacker losses 4% ---> 2%
Race Changes
Remove: High Elf, Hobbit, Wizard
Add: Dragon, Eagle, Spirit
Entities that arose from the elemental chaos before the beginning of the world, Dragons rival the very gods in power. Known for long spanning plots which affect events far beyond the imagining of present mortals, no one ever quite knows what a Dragon's true aim is... though hoarding treasure seems to be a part of it. Only the most experienced rulers can tame these strong and willful beasts.
3 hour attack time
-50% military unit losses from attacks, spells and operations
Homes hold 225 citizens, other buildings hold 5 citizens, Barracks hold 50 military & 5 citizens
Farms, Mines and Yards produce 66% of normal
Destroy 5% of 3 randomly selected buildings per successful attack (Randomly chosen from buildings with at least 1% total land, so it won't target an unbuilt building or something you only have 1 of)
Starting Money: -40% (1,800,000 cr)
Basic Baby Dragon (1/1) 250 cr
Off Green Dragon (8/2) 450 cr
Def Black Dragon (0/10) 700 cr
Elite Red Dragon (16/4) 1,250 cr
Thief White Dragon (2/2) 300 cr
Long revered by many cultures, Eagles have a magical quality that has evolved into magical ability. Many will hunt them, thinking they see weakness, many will fail... an eagle's defensive abilities are second to none.
Racial Abilities
Elude: up to 50% chance of enemies failing an attack on your tribe (accrues 10% each tick, an Elude reduces this stacked bonus by 20%)
Homes increase MP hold equivalent to 1/3 of a guild (only storage, no regeneration)
Military Units
Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 25 cr
Off Emesen 1/0 100 cr
Def Vendo 0/3 340 cr
Elite Anekonian 2/7 1140 cr
Thief Razorbeak 0/0 400 cr
All that remains from the cursed souls of the Nazgul, who are now presumed to be extinct. You cannot see or hear a Spirit but their presence becomes known in other ways. Their lack of physical form could be a disability but used correctly, can be positive in many ways.
Racial Abilities
Ethereal Form: Vision spell does not work on Spirits.
Spirits don't require food
From the Shadows: Failed intel operations do not generate tribe news
Military Units
Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Ghost 0/0 75 cr
Off Phantom 2/0 200 cr
Def Poltergeist 0/7 800 cr
Elite Ghoul 6/3 750 cr
Thief Apparition 0/2 200 cr
Race Tweaks
Off Highwayman 4/0 500 cr ---> 450cr
Dark Elf
Change: Supermage: +5 ML ---> Supermage: Academies give 33% more ML (15% acads = 20ML, 24% acads = 32ML, etc.)
Elite Nightrider 6/7 1,200 cr ---> 4/7 1100 cr
Basic Grunt 1/1 100 cr ---> 0/0 150 cr
Off Hammer Smasher 5/2 450 cr ---> 4/2 250 cr
Def Mortar Team 1/7 675 cr ---> 0/7 650 cr
Add: Academies are 1% more effective per each 1000 fame (With 10,000 fame, 30% academies becomes ML 33)
Add: 1% more raw defense per 1000 fame
Basic Sprite 0/0 100 cr ---> 0/1 100 cr
Elite Fay Queen 0/8 1,100 cr ---> 1,050 cr
Remove: 0.001% per fame chance of attacks not showing in alliance news
Add: 25% chance of attacks not showing in alliance news
Add: Destroy 1/4 of target's maximum MP & TP on each successful attack
Elite Wraith 10/10 1,700 cr ---> 1,550 cr
Uruk Hai
Def Ogre Shaman 0/7 750 cr ---> 800 cr
Elite Half-Giant 11/4 1,250 cr ---> 11/3 1400 cr
Wood Elf
Add: +50% damage on Intrigue
Elite Tree Ent 0/10 1,325 cr ---> 1,350 cr
Spell Changes
Lightning Bolt
Now can be used against anyone who attacked your alliance
Kills 0.4% of returning army ---> 0.125% of returning army
Magical Void
Add: 25% chance to remove 2 spells instead of 1
New Spells
Your mage can attempt to cleanse the tribe of an enemy, reducing the duration of pestilence with 1 month per successful attempt.
Reduces duration of pestilence by 1 month per successful cast
Difficulty: Easy for any mage
Your mage can attempt to cleanse the tribe of an ally, reducing the duration of Pestilence and Engineered Virus with 1 month per successful attempt.
Reduces duration of Pestilence and Engineered Virus by 1 month per successful cast
Difficulty: Hard even for a strong mage
Mystical Rust
An enchantment to erode the metal supplies of the tribe's weaponries.
Destroys 1% weaponries
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Wrath of Cyclops
When attacking an opponent, they may very well have additional wall defence. When casting this spell, your mage is able to conjure a cyclops that will destroy a number of the opponent's walls, leaving them open to attack.
Destroys 1% walls
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Self Race Class/Type spells
Race Class and Race Type spells have been added. Class and type are defined in accordance to the below table.
Class / Type Attacker Mage Thief
Human Dwarf Templar Brttonian
Winged Dragon Eagle
Cursed Nazgul Spirit
Elf Dark Elf Wood Elf
Orc Uruk Hai Mori Hai
Unknown Fairy
Race Class Spells
Human Spell (Available to Brittonian, Dwarf, and Templar)
Conjured Focus
Humans are curious by nature, but their uncoordinated efforts often prove futile. Through the skillful use of magic, however, this obstacle can be hurdled, resulting in a notable increase of knowledge
+1 rp per 750 citizens per month
1-10 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Winged Spell (Available to Dragon, Eagle)
Birds are known for their flocking tendencies, and this is spell much improves their ability to multiply rapidly and dangerously.
+20% citizen growth
1-8 acres gained each month
1-10 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Cursed Spell (Available to Nazgul, Spirit)
Cursed races possess an evil spell which gives them the ability to spread an epidemic. Pestilence spreads during invasions when either the attacker or the defender is afflicted with Pestilence. Pestilence lasts L/500 months (always rounded down) with a minimum of 0 months and a maximum of 15 months.
+5% offence
+10% citizen growth (cursed)
-20% citizen growth (non-cursed)
Spreads during successful invasions
Spreads during successful black operations (5% chance)
Lasts 1-10 months
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Elf Spell (Available to Dark Elf, Wood Elf)
Deep Forest
Ever watchful of the balance of the ages, the forces of Preservation maintain harmony between nature and the elves. This spell increases your defense by making your forest grow faster, expanding your domain in the process.
1-8 acres gained per month
+5% defense
1-10 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Ork Spell (Available to Mori Hai, Uruk Hai)
Roar of the Hoarde
+5% offense
+15% units killed
1-10 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Unknown Spell (Available to Fairy)
Divine Intervention
5-15 fame gained per month
-20% land lost on standard attack
1-10 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Race Type Spells
Attacker Spell (Available to Dragon, Dwarf, Nazgul, Uruk Hai)
+5% offense
+10% building damage on destructive attacks
1-4 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
Mage Spell (Available to Dark Elf, Eagle, Fairy, Templar)
Engineered Virus
A time effect version of fear that kills all forms of military and thieves. This spell can be cast on an enemy to inflict damage on their units.
Kills military units every month
Lasts 1-4 months
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage
War Only
Thief Spell (Available to Brittonian, Mori Hai, Spirit, Wood Elf)
Arcane Cloak
-75% thief losses on Black Operations
1-4 month duration
Difficulty: Quite hard for a weak mage