Age 95 is ending in about 4 days, Tuesday 28th, at 18.00 ST. And remember that the last tick is at 17.00 - one hour before the age ends.
Age 96 will start after 18.00 ST on Thursday 30th with the first tick at 19.00, running 4 weeks as usual. The game will be reset at least 24 h prior to the start.
Age 95 End + Age 96 Start
Open Archived max opened this discussion on
max -
Alias -
has this changed?
Buffy -
I think max is off by an hour maybe?
Smokey -
I hope we get an extra tick at the end. :)
Buffy -
Still paused so maybe max forgot :p
max -
I overslept
It is started now, good luck!
I overslept
It is started now, good luck!
Lil Britty -
Glad I read this... was about to reset again lol
Tommies -
Thanks Max!
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