- 1. ReSeT #20
- 2. Double Rainbow Inc #24
- 3. CD #40
- 4. Dominion Hold-outs #27
- 5. Sinful Thingz #31
- 6. [OG] #17
- 7. Slackerville!!!! #125
- 8. Coffee break #22
- 9. The other guys #29
- 10. Huh #14
Top 25 Tribes
- 1. 10100 #20
- 2. Not online #22
- 3. Factorio #125
- 4. (CD) I Mailed KT to the target #40
- 5. The Ed #27
- 6. Scooby-Doo #125
- 7. [OG] Ebenezer Scrooge #17
- 8. [OG] Bruce Willis #17
- 9. Shrimp on the Barbie #30
- 10. No face #20
- 11. Keeper of earthly secrets #24
- 12. Afraid of the #24
- 13. Lemming #24
- 14. Three #20
- 15. Tbd #24
- 16. Definitely not me #29
- 17. Platypup #24
- 18. FaIrY GoDfAtHeR #20
- 19. Xtr #24
- 20. Two #20
- 21. [CD] DM'd after tick #40
- 22. (C)(D) I Will Heal You #40
- 23. [OG] Sam ELliott #17
- 24. Owl the Small Things #27
- 25. WitchCraft #31
You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here