![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
Please remember to check this thread before Age Start, as there may be some additional changes.
Global Events
Change: Bhaal: Elendian is ineffective --> Reduce elendian by 10%
Change triggered Spell upon surrender
Deam's Absolution --> Stunted Growth ( https://alliancesatwar.com/spells/trigger/ )
Change: 1% Decreases building damage taken on destructive attacks by 1% -->
20% Decreases building damage taken on destructive attacks by 62.5% (use same curved formula as with CH/GH)
Remove: +1% extra building damage
Change: Size restrictions:
Now: Full buildings destroyed vs targets greater than or equal to 80% of targets' size, decreased buildings destroyed vs 70-80%, no buildings destroyed vs targets less than 70%.
Change to: Full building damage regardless of size difference. Instead, decreased resource gains.
Full resource gains vs targets >=80%, decreased resources 70-80%, zero resources <70%
Dark Spells
Remove spell
Race Spells
Orcish Fervor
Remove: Thieves return 1 month faster
Change: Negates Fountain of Resu --> Negates Fountain of Resu and Immortality
Change: +5% offence --> +5% offence (cursed only)
Black Operations
Change: Now burns a random amount of wood in addition to destroying Yards.
Race Type Bonus
Change: All attackers have a bonus of 1 tick shorter training time for all units and do not require a general for military exercises. --> All attackers have a bonus of 1 tick shorter training time for basic military and do not require a general for military exercises.
Swapped Out: Hobbit, Oleg Hai
Swapped In: Mori Hai,
Mori Hai (Ork Thief)
An evolved form of Ork, what they lost of their brute force they gained in cunning, finding new ways to use homes in clever ways. With more citizens at their disposal and a near constant supply of thief plans, the resilient Mori tribe leader is able to quickly order retaliation in various guises.
Racial Abilities
Pop boost: 45% homes allowed
Homes give thief plans (1 Home = 2/5th Hideouts)
3 months attack time
+15% magic protection
Military Units
Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Gnome 0/0 85 cr
Off Goblin 3/2 350 cr
Def Engineer 0/4 400 cr
Elite Mountain Ogre 3/5 900 cr
Thief Assassin 3/1 375 cr
Raven (Winged Attacker)
Silent but oh so violent. Highly intelligent birds lurking in the shadows, their blackened wings give the advantage of extreme speed. This is no birdwatching outing and the flock is hard to see until it's too late.
Racial Abilities
As the crow flies: 1 month attack time
Strength in Numbers: 75% of normal military losses
Flock Mentality: 75% of normal damage on Blasphemy Crusade, Raze and Pillage
40% of normal gains on Clear a Perimeter
Military Units
Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Nester 0/0 10 cr
Off Blackclaw 3/0 230 cr
Def Razorwing 0/6 540 cr
Elite Blackwing 5/5 850 cr
Thief Screecher 0/0 250 cr
Text Change: Each building destroyed by thievery yields 2000 crowns--> Grand Theft Master: Each building destroyed by thievery yields 2000 crowns
Dark Elf
Nightriders 3/6 1020cr -> 920 cr
Remove: Construction costs no wood
Remove: 30% reduced combat losses
Remove: Cannot be pillaged
Light Elf
Remove: Failed dark spells burn target_land / 450 mana from the target
Remove: Alliance spells and race spells cost 50% less Mana
Change: Exploring costs 150% of normal crowns. Construction costs are 170% of normal --> Exploring and construction costs 170% of normal crowns
Remove: Incurs +25% additional damage from Winged
Remove: Intel Operations cost: -50%
Change text: Priesthood: Temples produce 1 extra priest per month. Can have 20 PPA
--> Atonement: Temples produce 1 extra priest per month and can have up to 20 PPA.
Uruk Hai
Off Hill Troll 8/0 725 cr --> 7/0 675 cr
Elite Half-Giant 12/3 1,500 cr --> 11/3 1,450 cr
War Research
Remove: Can build 30% Weaponries @30%
Add: 30% chance attacks do not show in alliance news @30%
Change: Increased Mana and Plans (storage and regen) max +50% --> max 35%
Increased attack building damage max 50% --> max 35%
Infrastructure Research
Change: Buildings hold Citizens increased (max +25%) --> (max +20%)
Remove: Can build 30% Walls @ 30%
Add: Buildings are 30% cheaper to construct @ 30%
Remove: Buildings are free to construct @90%
*NOTE* Infrastructure Research will have no 90% bonus for Age 109
Politics Research
Remove: 30% chance attacks do not show in alliance news @ 30%
Add: Non-basic military trains 1 month faster @ 30%
Remove: Non-basic military trains 1 month faster @ 90%
*NOTE* Politics Research will have no 90% bonus for Age 109