My apologies for the late changes.
Please be advised that any supplemental age changes will be posted here. Be sure to check this thread before the age start.
Major Changes
Suicide Prevention Measure
You will now be blocked or penalized from attacking * or sending out military exercises * if you plan on sending too much military. The threshold is noted on the Invasions page.
Cannot attack AT ALL without minimum DPA trained (excludes basics). Starts at 10 DPA -> 80 DPA (+2.5 per day) at end of age.
Attacking with less than 16 DPA -> 100 DPA (+3 per day) home, while your troops are out:
- 75% resource production penalty each month (Farms / Mines / Yards)
- 30% citizens lost each month.
Ravens are exempt from this penalty.
Dark Spells
Removed: Dragon's Vengeance
Black Operations
Removed: Boze
Arsenic Infusion
Kills up to 0.1% of enemies offensive specialists --> Kills up to 0.2% of enemies offensive specialists
Poison Water
Kills 0.8% citizens --> Kills 1% citizens
- Suicide Penalty added (see above)
- Pillage no longer has decreased gains out of war
Race Changes
Swapped Out: Light Elf
Swapped In: *New Race* Teifling
Tiefling (Cursed - Mage)
Through their fel ancestry, Tieflings have gained an innate talent for manipulating mana. This ancestry however has cursed them to lose their sanity, the longer they use magic. They are often hunted down before they can go on a rampage in their corrupted forms.
Racial Abilities
Corrupted cannot be trained
0.5% of Warlocks become Corrupted per month
Failed outgoing spells kill Corrupted from the magical backlash (land / 50)
Increased spell damage by 1% for each Corrupted per acre, up to 25%
Military Units
Class Off/Def Cost
Basic Acolyte 0/0 100 cr
Off Felblade 4/0 450 cr
Def Warlock 0/5 500 cr
Elite Corrupted 6/5
Thief Trickster 0/0 250 cr
Race Spells: Pestilence & Engineered Virus
Basic Thug 0/0 100 cr --> 0/0 50 cr
Thief Rogue 1/0 100 cr --> 0/0 75 cr
Dark Elf
Def Sorcerer 0/4 360 --> 0/4 390 cr
Elite Nightrider 3/6 920cr --> 2/6 940 cr
Homes hold 275 --> Homes hold 225
Non homes hold 10 --> Non homes hold 5
Starting Money -41.67% (1,750,000) -- > Stating Money -30% (2,100,000)
Farms produce 75% normal. Mines produce 87.5% normal --> Farms, Mines, & Yards all produce 60% normal
Baby Dragon 2/2 150cr --> 1/1 125 cr
Green Dragon 7/0 275cr --> 7/0 400 cr
Yellow Dragon 0/8 500cr --> 0/7 400 cr
Red Dragon 14/7 1250cr --> 14/8 1,300cr
Thief 0/0 300 cr --> 2/3 400 cr
Grunt 1/0 150cr --> 1/0 100 cr
Hammer Smasher 4/1 380cr -> 4/2 380cr
Def Mortar Team 0/5 560 cr --> 0/5 620 cr
Grey Beard 7/6 1,375cr -> 6/4 1,300cr
* 1000 fame decreases cost of Dark Spells by 1% --> 1000 fame decreases cost of Dark Spells by 2% (max 50%) *
Elite Fay Queen 1/7 1100 -> 950 cr
High Elf
Vanity: Each point of fame gives 0.003% damage dealt and land gained on attacks --> + 0.001% damage & land gained (max 50%)
Sage 4/0 450cr -> 5/0 450cr
Change: On a failed attack 50-75% (random) returns after 1 month, rest after 2 months. --> 1 month retreat time.
75% damage dealt on destructive attacks --> Deal 50% reduced damage on all attacks
Blackclaw 3/0 300cr -> 4/0 320cr
Paladin 4/5 950cr-> 5/4 800cr
Also enjoy the Easter Eggs!
![Thumbs up [up]](/pics/emoticons/thumb-up.png)