![Happy [:D]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-lol.png)
What do you think about Priests?
*Adds another level of strategy!
*Don't like Temples/Priests
* Don't use them
What do you think about Barracks
*It sucks
*Needs tweaking
*Bring back the old way
*Just right
What do you think about Walls
*It sucks
*Needs tweaking
*Bring back the old way
*Just right
What do you think about Weapons
*It sucks
*Needs tweaking
*Bring back the old way
*Just right
What do you think about the current RP's gained from War Spoils?
*Too much
*Too Little
*Just right
What do you think of Napo done by thieves?
*Too much
*Too Little
*Just right
What do you think about the current War System?
*It sucks
*Needs tweaking
*Just right
What do you think about the current War Mage Ops Damage?
*Too much
*Too Little
*Just right
What do you think about the current War Thief Ops Damage?
*Too much
*Too Little
*Just right
What do you think about the current War Attack Damage?
*Too much
*Too Little
*Just right
What do you think about hitting into and out of a war
*Do not allow it
*Tweak it for more penalties
*Current way is fine
What do you think about the ability to Truce in a war
*Do not allow it
*Tweak it add penalties
*Current way is fine
What do you think about the current Hostility to war
*Go old school “Auto Declare”
*500 Hostility to declare and 750 auto war
*Current way is fine
What do you think about the current Thief Auto fail rate?
*Remove auto fail rate
*Tweak it
*Current way is fine
What do you think about bottom feed cap
*Do not allow it
*Tweak it
*Current way is fine
What do you think about top feed cap
*Do not allow it
*Tweak it
*Current way is fine
What do you think about Synergy
*Too much with all the current items in play?
*Need more
*Needs tweaking
*Just right
What do you think about Global events
*Keep it at random
*Change it to advise when it's about to happen