- 1. CORE Remembers... #14
- 2. On the A-TAC #37
- 3. CD #40
- 4. Hit start #36
- 5. Double rainbow Inc #18
- 6. Turbo Puns #21
- 7. Slackerville!!!! #125
- 8. Alliance 23 #23
- 9. newbie #25
- 10. [OG] #17
Top 25 Tribes
- 1. Jungle Wars #14
- 2. Under-A-TAC #37
- 3. Spec-TAC-ular #37
- 4. Absolutely nothing #14
- 5. IRC channel wars #14
- 6. [CD] Thirteen #40
- 7. Age 20 LOTR SW noobs #14
- 8. Instant Return Raven #14
- 9. [CD] If only Elves were Human #40
- 10. A-TACked, Play Dead? #37
- 11. I see dead people #125
- 12. Hai There #21
- 13. Super Epic 420 Man Guy #125
- 14. TICK-TAC-TOE #37
- 15. Too Dark To See #18
- 16. Smokey #21
- 17. TenTACle Storm #37
- 18. Baba Yaga #28
- 19. New Player #36
- 20. [CD] Machine Elves #40
- 21. People dead see I #125
- 22. grammaTACally correct #37
- 23. nothing to see, move along #18
- 24. Lets start again #36
- 25. VaaN #21
You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here