
Age 132 Changes

Closed Scarlet opened this discussion on

Scarlet -

Fireballs for operations/spells into war (as per last age)
25% return rate

TA grants 15 crowns on average per thief

Race Changes
Nazgul -> Uruk Hai

Starting Money +25% -> +20%
Off Highwayman 3/0 400cr -> 4/0 425cr
Elite Marauder 2/7 1100cr -> 1200cr

Berserker 9/4 1200cr -> 1100cr
Weaponries hold 75 military

Racial Traits

+15% Starting Money
Farms hold 150 citizens
Nimble: a further -1 month thief return time (2 months thief return time)
Selfless: able to provide aid to allies via Weather's Light and Templu Amblo (with -50% gains)
Second Breakfast: +50% food consumption
Hwighton Raid damage: +100%
Cloak Dagger: Increased ambush Gains by 30%

+15% Starting Money
Off Wolfrider 7/2 700cr -> 650cr
Mercenary Harpie 3/2 -> 300 cr

Uruk Hai
Kill +50% military units in combat
Gain 5% offense bonus per successful attack
Target must be greater than 75% of your size to gain a stack
Stack up to 15% offense (3 stacks)
Lose all stacks if your general remains home for 1 month
Lose 1 stack on retreats

Basic Pit Spawn 1/0 100 cr
Off Hill Troll 6/0 450 cr
Def Ogre Shaman 0/7 700 cr
Elite Half-Giant 11/3 1300 cr
Thief Blackguard 2/0 275 cr

Basic Apprentice 0/0 100cr
Off Templar Knight 1/1 225cr -> 175cr
Def Sorcerer 0/4 425 cr -> 325cr
Elite Grey Wizard 3/7 1,150 cr ->5/7


Scarlet -

Fireballs for operations/spells into war (as per last age)
25% return rate

I just want to bold this:

If you're REALLY DUMB, yes you can kill yourself.
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