
Final Rankings - Age 138

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 2. Twenty Four #24
  • 3. Knuckle heads #23
  • 4. CB #40
  • 5. Double rainbow Inc #18
  • 6. Small but active #29
  • 7. Artic #11
  • 8. Gevonden ! #14
  • 9. Krendall #20
  • 10. Quid pro quo #12

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. Smokey #24
  • 2. I see dead people #125
  • 3. People dead see I #125
  • 4. Tree Hugger #40
  • 5. It's your tribe #23
  • 6. Pearl Necklace #23
  • 7. Chilly Willy #11
  • 8. Unfunny even with beer #40
  • 9. Heaviest Light Elf #24
  • 10. Not drunk enough #40
  • 11. Xeq #14
  • 12. The Old Man #18
  • 13. xTr3M3 #18
  • 14. Ragnarok #18
  • 15. THC #23
  • 16. small but Gatot Kaca #29
  • 17. small but Chicken #29
  • 18. oo u hit. me mv 24 7 back #23
  • 19. Angel of Death #23
  • 20. le gebrselassi #18
  • 21. small but Sisudatu #29
  • 22. Britney #40
  • 23. Labstop #24
  • 24. a small land #29
  • 25. Quid #12

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

Cheaters -

Congrats Amir joker and buffy coop win special staf joke amir nice coop wins

Buffy -

That makes no sense in any language. Let's make “full” and complete sentences.

Congrats to smokey!!!

Deem -

This is a cheat to win game [8)]

What 125 and 40 did this age to 23 is literally what so many other's have done and we're punished and outcasted. This game has no morals or code anymore.

Baba -

Its a shame it pays off to cheat.

Re write the CoC. If it is so obvious different alliances work together to kill a tribe, those tribe involved should be reset to 500 acres. I'd rather have their age ruined compared to the player who got killed by cheating.

24-48 hr suspension is a joke.

Baba -

And congrats Smokey. Well played[up]

Baba -

Also add to the CoC if any of the L&O staff members are found guilty of cheating they should never ever have any role as a staff member again.

0 credibility for most of the current L&O members.

h3 -

Gutted !!!


Baba -

You are referring to England winning against Germany this evening?[:p]

Biggcheese -

Congrats smokes. I almost had ya for a while there! The c blocks killed my mori lol. But you are definitely a way better eagle than me.

Cheaters -

Congrats smokey good age u play[up]

Deem -

Let's sweep it under the rug again until next time folks [;)]

Deem -

Also what's the new bet on someone breaking coc in the new age? I bet 40, 125! MAX bet [:D]

Smokey -

Thanks guys! After the prior age, I focused on doing everything I could to get ahead and stay ahead. There were a couple serious challengers this age, so it was by no means a walk in the park. Let's focus on the positive here because I think there were strong attempts to dethrone me, so thanks for the challenge.

Deem -

We're you really in that much trouble Smokey all age? I didn't see your alliance in 1 war all age, but gj playing the new game alliances at growth! It must of been really hard to stop random ops [evilgrin]

Lil Britty -

Yeah I mvd Smokey nonstop to get my teammate to catchup and he still pulled ahead. Congrats Smoke![up] sometimes the grind does pay off

Deem -

Ahh i c MV's must of been really scary 😨! Continue the grind boy's [;)]

Lil Britty -

Big mouth for a guy who probably never broke 20k acres let alone 10k[evilgrin]

Cheaters -

Jihad age whoohoo
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