
Final Rankings - Age 153

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. The Old Crew #20
  • 2. Indo Food #18
  • 3. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 4. CB #40
  • 5. Controversy Is Life #17
  • 6. Party People #22
  • 7. Double rainbow inc #15
  • 8. 20 newbs! No kill ha #14
  • 9. Artic #11
  • 10. For adoption #12

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. Wood, Elf, and a bottle of Rum #20
  • 2. Lost In The Dark #125
  • 3. Firefly #18
  • 4. I don't want this to drag-on #20
  • 5. Uther Pendragon #20
  • 6. mmmm beer #40
  • 7. Brittonian #20
  • 8. Old one #18
  • 9. Longtong Istimewa #18
  • 10. Cute baby dragon #18
  • 11. Hold my beer #40
  • 12. Rawon Setan #18
  • 13. Drinker of Beers, Maker of HO #40
  • 14. [D]M #125
  • 15. Timber Rattler #22
  • 16. Chilly Willy #11
  • 17. Spooky ghost #125
  • 18. Rudy #14
  • 19. Diet Coke is Delicious #17
  • 20. Smoking Is Cool #17
  • 21. Grog #125
  • 22. Little Sampson #22
  • 23. Poh-tay-toe or Pah-tah-toe? #17
  • 24. Nazerial #15
  • 25. Mirfors Says Yanny (Laurel?) #17

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

Sanzo -

Ok it’s decided. Everyone coop against Rudy next age

WokeTard -

Thought you were the target next age?

Mirfors -

I thought I was the coop target next age!

Hume12 -

A store in Sweden why so interested in this subject?


Ferahgo -

The freshest vegetables come from the co-op.

Hume12 -

Agreed dont forget milk from Änglamark [:|]

Mads -

I shop smart
I shop S-mart!
Gimme some sugar baby!

WokeTard -

I shop Aldi's

Smokey -

Aldi's is great!

AgmAr -

I'm happy, I broke one of my old records this age [evilgrin]

Tommies -

Dying more than once?[evilgrin]
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