
Rankings - Age 155, Week 3

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. The Old Crew #20
  • 2. Hello #14
  • 3. CB #40
  • 4. Odds and Ends #22
  • 5. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 6. The Planets #18
  • 7. Waiting... #17
  • 8. Arctic #11
  • 9. Peeps #21
  • 10. Gloria's Folly #13

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. Staying in touch with Ex... #20
  • 2. Releasing into basics #20
  • 3. Oh look shiny #125
  • 4. What about 2nd breakfast #125
  • 5. Angry Raven #14
  • 6. Spooky ghost #125
  • 7. Smokey #14
  • 8. Peanuts #22
  • 9. Chilly Willy #11
  • 10. WooDieBoo #22
  • 11. Betty Blue #22
  • 12. King of the Southlands #40
  • 13. Beer Elf wants Christmas Stout #40
  • 14. The Viking Beer #40
  • 15. Breakfast beer #40
  • 16. Jupiter #18
  • 17. Mirfors Must Keep Testing #14
  • 18. Neptune #18
  • 19. Pestilence Pesterer #14
  • 20. Druid Dunker #14
  • 21. The red coats are coming #22
  • 22. Only1 showing up for KT at 2am #20
  • 23. Venus #18
  • 24. weekend away, not pausing vol2 #20
  • 25. Beerus #18

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here
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