- 1. The Old Crew #20
- 2. The last frontier #18
- 3. Lord of the Rings #22
- 4. CB #40
- 5. Slackerville!!!! #125
- 6. Bring out your dead! #17
- 7. Arctic #11
- 8. Wyrm's Keep #13
- 9. Middle Earth #23
- 10. Active? #14
Top 25 Tribes
- 1. The Owl in 20 #20
- 2. Black Widower #18
- 3. Cookie? #22
- 4. Ser KingK #22
- 5. Beerus #18
- 6. Neptune #18
- 7. Chilly Willy #11
- 8. Did I Die? #17
- 9. Input Random Craft Beer #40
- 10. The Lost One #125
- 11. WH420 #125
- 12. Slackin McSlack #125
- 13. Gollem #22
- 14. Mirfors Labs Again #18
- 15. Formidable #13
- 16. Hoppity hops #40
- 17. RANDOM BEER #40
- 18. Gandalf #23
- 19. Large Yard Rubble #20
- 20. Too much mead #22
- 21. Stout #17
- 22. Willy Wonka #17
- 23. Randomestic beer #40
- 24. Marco son #20
- 25. Precious #125
You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here