- 1. The Old Crew #20
- 2. Loading pokedex.... #22
- 3. CB #40
- 4. Slackerville!!!! #125
- 5. The last frontier #18
- 6. DOTTOB #13
- 7. Antarctica #11
- 8. Mint #12
- 9. Active? #14
- 9. DOTTED (DTTD.io) #25
Top 25 Tribes
- 1. Sneeuwwitje #20
- 2. Mini-boss #20
- 3. Slowbro #22
- 4. Gengar #22
- 5. BulbySore #22
- 6. Invisible #125
- 7. Boris #13
- 8. Dragonite #22
- 9. Primaris #40
- 10. Chilly Willy #11
- 11. Olivier B. Bommel #18
- 12. Rumblebelly #125
- 13. Beerus #18
- 14. 9 Beers, 2 Dealers #40
- 15. Boring tribe #125
- 16. Neptune #18
- 17. Slackin McSlack #125
- 18. Elder of Beers #40
- 19. Hoppity hops #40
- 20. Galarian Mirforsola #22
- 21. Backdoor support #20
- 22. Resource Farm #20
- 23. Wizzz beer #40
- 24. Dakini #12
- 25. Cookie? #25
You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here