
Final Rankings - Age 163

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 2. BBQ Time!! #22
  • 3. The Old Crew #20
  • 4. CB #40
  • 5. Orkfian Gods #18
  • 6. Antarctica #11
  • 7. Willy Nilly #16
  • 8. Glorious Purpose #24
  • 9. KDB #19
  • 10. Disturbing Sounds #21

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. The Lost One #125
  • 2. Invisible #125
  • 3. Tiny Hot Dog #22
  • 4. Chilly Willy #11
  • 5. [OG] Thanatus #18
  • 6. Summer beer #40
  • 7. [OG] Gruumsh #18
  • 8. Craft Beer Made Me Fat #40
  • 9. Jack Sparrow #40
  • 10. Karen #20
  • 11. fuyunghoi #20
  • 12. Darkwing Duck #20
  • 13. Something more generic #20
  • 14. [OG] Bacchus #18
  • 15. The nasty #22
  • 16. Brisket #22
  • 17. Full #22
  • 18. Mirfors #24
  • 19. Ham-burgler #22
  • 20. [KDB] Marvino #19
  • 21. Vladimir Lootin #20
  • 22. Mad tribe #125
  • 23. Garry Potter #16
  • 24. Ron Swanson #21
  • 25. Orlong #16

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

Sanzo -

Congrats to 125 I guess! ?
I did not want you to win until the epic lameness a few hours ago

Scotty -

Quit crying Sanzo you hit the suicider as well as anyone else. We all missed his first hit so I imagine if anyone knew it was coming would have been 5 standards and a kill. Wasn't he in your alliance last? Did you give him a mission?

Mistro -

Same same, such a shame that individuals still go out there to ruin ages.

I thought this had been one of the ebst for a while and had really good wars with all of 18/20/22 and 125. But the feeding at the end devalued everything.

Tommies -

Shame! Well done 125. Off with a slow start but you guys nailed it in the end [up]

Scotty -

why is a strategy different than our usual ones ruining an age... he apparently wanted the grab record for standard... im all for any different strategy that ruins the status quo..

Shuu -

nothing great about #125.
all they do is explore explore and explore for the win!

Maybe this game shld change the name to AllianceOfExplorer lol[:D]

Buffy -

I made 14k as an attacking dwarf where was the exploring there? Just wondering.

Mirfors -

125 deserved the win with Buffy's good dwarf play locking everyone down underneath. Almost all of his acres came from attacks. Not even close to any of the explore-winning ages of the past, no comparison IMO. Give credit where credit is due.

And it's not like your alliance couldn't have won either, y'all just sort of broke apart after one tribe death from what I could tell. It was too bad, I agree with Mistro that it was a competitive and interesting age overall.

Mads -

I had fun wrecking shit so it was a fun age to me

Scotty -

Everyone has to react on how things roll out. Good play by all who were in the chase for whatever reward they wanted.
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