
Final Rankings - Age 172

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. Fun and Flowers #13
  • 2. K-Driveboys #19
  • 3. CB #40
  • 4. This is the way..... #22
  • 5. Tortuga #20
  • 6. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 7. O_O #29
  • 8. Antarctica #11
  • 9. Sanctuary #18
  • 10. overboard #28

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. Roseing to the occasion #13
  • 2. Once and Floral #13
  • 3. Darth Leopard's Bane #13
  • 4. Carlina Vulgaris #13
  • 5. Piratey Temples #20
  • 6. [KDB] BabaYaga #19
  • 7. Carlex #29
  • 8. Chilly Willy #11
  • 9. [KDB] Sassenheim #19
  • 10. [KDB] Mowlgi #19
  • 11. Cheers and beers #40
  • 12. Oh No, not that Beer again! #40
  • 13. Yugo #22
  • 14. [KDB] Elmander #19
  • 15. Hunt time 2 #22
  • 16. The Kraken #40
  • 17. Sour Beer #40
  • 18. Caught #22
  • 19. Naptime #125
  • 20. Wait what? #125
  • 21. Thorn of the rose #13
  • 22. Dumb Tommie boy #27
  • 23. Labs R us (having a peak) #18
  • 24. 1 Bolt Short #22
  • 25. ICE #15

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

Noodle -

Sorry to see some faces leaving, I hope you will comeback next age.

It was a rough age for all.
Hopefully changes will be posted soon.

Ard -

Thanks all for the age! Parts of it was indeed rough, ravens doing HnR every 2h is no joke...

I too hope to see you all back and competitive. (Or just chilling and having some fun) :)

Mads -

Had fun with 13 wars. Glad 13 owned 19.
19 can go 🤬 themselves though 👍 especially the fake one who calls himself the boogeyman. Nothing but a wanna be who can’t do anything unless his pals run him up apparently. 🖕

I won’t be playing anymore because that clown doesn’t know how to do shit but target me with my shit builds as he says yet he won’t hit anyone else after surviving a 2 day long kt of DMs and arsons. Have fun with that bullshit.

Ard -

If it is any comfort, I got 1-2 weeks beeing barraged by HnR almost every 4th hour+voids last age. Sure, we had given him a beating in a war or two first, with EV and HnR+standard. Kept going a good while after.

Tommies -

lol. Mads can’t handle getting hit for STAnDARD acres. Nothing serious compared to Ard last age.

Call me what you want. I play as I want. If you provoke me, I will come for you. That’s my play style. I don’t need buddies to tell me what to do. I play with my own friends. [up]

Ful -

Aaa your only friend is your Dick [:D][evilgrin][:p][heart]

Tommies -

Ard . You were the one that after the war still did an HR on me after eating 4HR and 2 standard. There was no reason to do another HR after you won the war. That made the difference. I should have just let you go in peace?
You did the same to Sanzo that age who also was a Balrog. So it was your tactic, crying about it later when you get then in return and forcing age changes in that regard is lame. But sure đź‘Ť

Tommies -

It’s a game. Learn how to play it and stop crying. Ffs

Ful -

Agree tommie 13 cry harder then me

Ard -

I came after you with HnR then standarded you, if I recall correctly. Seems I had cause, no? :)

Tommies -

You seem to remember incorrectly. You were initially not in the picture as you were the lower tribe. You lost the age already. You sacrificed yourself for your team mate but got pissed when I standard you for land. Thats when you started doing HR on me because obv you couldn’t break me. Even after the war. That’s when I chose to get further hit in order to repay you by doing HR when I got lower in land than you.

You should read the PMs you have sent me again :)

Ard -

Discussing this likely leads nowhere.

Please just keep in mind that a playstyle that includes large amounts of “I will come for you” is considered a toxic playstyle by some. Sore loser by others. Please reconsider how much you really should use it, you'll need someone to play with if you want to have a game to play.

Tommies -

lol. In that case get your own alliance affairs in order and your attack dogs on the leech:

“If is see ANY hostile action from you in my tribe news for remaining of the age, you will get to know, how I respond to genocide.

~ Positive thinking (#13)

2024-03-28 08:43:40 | Quick Reply | Read/Reply”

Ard -

If it is any comfort, he will not play next age.

Ulfworth -

Few hours till age starts but no changes even announced, no merge requests filled.

If all staff is busy could there be a delay for start of age for a few days to have overall better experience?

Noodle -

I recieved a mail like that also

Ulfworth -

Mail as in delay for age start?

Ard -

I had hoped admin or staff would announce this, but it seems at least someone has to.

There have been prepared changes that would give some minor tweaks to meta and hopefully open up for more tactics, as well as a change to make balrog economy more viable. Unfortunately the changes have not been deployed and it currently seems unlikely they will be for age 173. We will hopefully get back to you guys with the changes that had been prepared, in order to get feedback before age 174 (173 is starting today).

h3 -

Under 30 of us playing and the whining still continues

Just soak it up and get some revenge when you have the chance

Can’t believe people still rage quit after playing this game for 15-20 years

Sanzo -

I regret warning Full last age for Griefing. At the time he was not guilty of committing any rule breaks. This here is my apology to him, as I feel it demotivated him from playing a strategy that everyone else has utilized.

Not naming names here, but I am sick and tired of people doing one way attacks and then trying to hide behind the rules. Staff will not bend to such demands!

Ard -

Then I will save you the trouble. You mean me. My personal opinion is that when someone actively tries to deal damage to the detriment of his tribe and alliance, I will call it as I see it: Griefing and detrimental to the game as a whole.

If you have even a chance of getting the upper hand by doing the actions, I'd not call it so.

I do support one thing wholeheartedly, however. Full gets way more shit comming his way than he deserves and should be treated better.

Sanzo -

Good thing you don’t make the rules.
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