
Rankings - Age 173, Week 2

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Top 10 Alliances
  • 1. Crisis commencing #13
  • 2. It's those guys.. #31
  • 3. CB #40
  • 4. Old School Slackers #22
  • 5. K-Driveboys #19
  • 6. Slackerville!!!! #125
  • 7. Antarctica #11
  • 8. No more #27
  • 9. O_O #29
  • 10. Mint #12

Top 25 Tribes
  • 1. [Crisis] Awimbawe #13
  • 2. [Crisis] Rice on my sock #13
  • 3. [Crisis] Ants in my pants #13
  • 4. [Crisis] Identity Theft #13
  • 5. [Crisis] Lost my Hair #13
  • 6. [KDB] Pedro Pedro Pedro #19
  • 7. Slackosaurus Rex #22
  • 8. Naptime #125
  • 9. Full #22
  • 10. [KDB] BabaYaga #19
  • 11. Untitled. #31
  • 12. LoveItOrHateIt #31
  • 13. Coors Light #40
  • 14. yugoSLACKia #22
  • 15. Chilly Willy #11
  • 16. Lager Lager Lager #40
  • 17. Stigbergets Pilsner #40
  • 18. Cheers and beers #40
  • 19. Invalid Tribename #31
  • 20. Carlex #29
  • 21. Roof Top #31
  • 22. Slacker #31
  • 23. Wait what? #125
  • 24. [KDB] Elmander #19
  • 25. VikStein #40

You can find the complete list of alliances here and tribes here

KDB Marvino -

New idea, return to 75% of your killed tribe once per age when killed. Players are working hard on their tribe for 2 weeks and get killed in 10 seconds.

It Will help players keep playing like myself. Because why would I return for the remaining age?

Let me know.

Noodle -

I do agree, you put in alot of work into the tribe, then boom dead in a sec.
Mybe if you have to start low again, you get a better boost rather then a new tribe starting

Ulfworth -

out of war kills/kills at first few hours of a war - especially 1 tick, but also 2 3 4 tick ones should be removed or hamperd extremely.. same as raiding for stacks as uruk. I posted this thought already aswell while ago under age changes threads.

reasoning is not only frustrating current playerbase as Marvino wrote above.. but also this removes motivation for EVERY new player who experiences it firsthand and probably dont even understand why this happend.
In war kills.... with rampump.. aka 12h into war are perfectly understandable. As this gives time to prepare and then you at least know what why and where.
Yes it would turn down kill hungry player adrenaline, but it would increase more for the other side.

Im not sure if restarting with huge buff is a good or bad idea, so i will remain neutral there. However if above sudden death out of the blue mechanics wont be reduced then this could be “soft landing compromise”. But i strongly prefer the nerf of sudden death without any war and new player demotivation mechanics over the 2.

Regarding starting with 75% power from where you left off i see one big threat.. as attacker.. you could very easly pump suicidal build.. and that would very much contribute to more toxicity and bad revenge at all cost behaviour rather than moving foward.

Ard -

For the record: I also wish to make out of war killing way harder as well, unless someone does something rather stupid (35% ratio of citz/pop, etc).

Tommies -

Out of war killing is already pretty hard unless you over train, do not have max homes, or have no TM defense.
Poli sci will help counteract as well.
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