
In a war, knowing the enemy is very important. Decipher the enemies’ weaknesses and avoid confronting their strengths. Gather information about their tribes and research, and then choose targets for your attackers, thieves and mages.


Hostility is gained by performing actions against other alliances.

To declare war we need at least 500 hostility against the target alliance. If we reach 1000 hostility a war will start automatically!

Hostility generation towards targets already in a war is increased by 50%.
Hostility decays by 10 per tick

Please note that it is possible to end up in multiple wars at the same time, be ready!

Hostility Generation

Hostility can be generated through the following actions:

  • Shared
    • Acres Taken: 0.5 per acre taken * min(3, src_size_modifier
    • Buildings Destroyed: building destroyed * min(3, src_size_modifier)
    • Killing a tribe: tribe size / 2
    • Units killed: 0.01 per offensive & 0.01 per defensive point * trg_size_modifier
    • Thieves killed: 0.013 per thief killed * trg_size_modifier
    • Basics killed: 0.002 per basic killed * trg_size_modifier
    • Citizens killed: 0.003 per citizen killed * trg_size_modifier (Excluding fireball & poison water)
    • src_size_modifier = 3000 / source tribe acres
    • trg_size_modifier = 3000 / target_tribe_acres
  • Spells
    • Successful cast base: 1 (Excluding Enforced Honesty & Intel Spells)
    • Fireball: 7
    • Poison: 1
    • Enchantress Salem: 10 if not already enchanted
    • Winds of Distress: 10 if not already distressed
    • Magical Void: 10 per spell voided
  • Operations
    • Successful cast base: 1 (Excluding Hwighton Raid, & Intel Ops)
    • Poison Water: 10
    • Arsenic Infusion: 3


Against alliances we are not in war with, we deal 50% damage.

War damage will increase over time as follows:

  • 5% damage per month
  • for 10 months
When in multiple wars, gain 15% additional damage for each war you are in past the first.


Killing a tribe will take 50% of it's remaining fame and award it to our alliance.


War lasts for up to 48 months. To win the war we need to gain power equaling 33% of the target alliance size (acres). An alliance that has fewer tribes also gets a small reduction on how much power they need to win. Power is gained by performing actions against the other alliance, and killing a tribe yields an exceptionally amount of power!

Power Generation

Power can be generated through the following actions:

  • Shared
    • Acres Taken: 1 per acre taken
    • Homes Destroyed: (target_land/target_homes)*0.24 + 0.2
    • Academies, Guilds, Hideouts, Barracks Destroyed: 1.3
    • Buildings Destroyed: 1
    • Killing a tribe: tribe size / 2
    • Units killed: 0.008 per offensive & 0.008 per defensive point (Excludes Juranimosity, BC, and fear)
    • Thieves killed: 0.01 per thief killed)
    • Basics killed: 0.002 per basic killed)
    • Citizens killed: 0.001 per citizen killed (Excluding fireball)
  • Spells
    • Fireball: 3
    • Enchantress Salem: 6 if not already enchanted
    • Winds of Distress: 6 if not already distressed
    • Magical Void: 6 per spell voided
  • Operations
    • Nothing Special!


If a war is going badly, you may use the option to surrender outright giving the win to the enemy alliance. Surrendering often comes with a heavy cost.

To surrender a war, one of the following criteria has to be met:

  • The war has lasted at least 18 months and you have gained less power then the enemy alliance.
  • If in multiple wars, you can surrender any war except the most recent one when it have lasted for at least 36 months.


Interfering in a war between two other alliances doesn't come without a penalty. Below is a list of penalties if you happen to interfere in a war. Also note this goes both ways, if you are in a war and target someone outside your war, the same penalties will apply!

War interference will start after 168 ticks (7 days)

  • No fame gained from invasions, spells or operations.
  • Suffer an extra 4% combat losses on invasions. Unaffected by modifiers, even immortal units will die!
  • Your general take 2 months longer to recover after an invasion.
  • Your tribe will receive 30% of your spells and operations returned to you as fireballs