
Alliance Rankings - Age 106, Week 1
Alliance Name # Land Strength Fame Kills
1. Dominion Hold-outs #27 14284 1545167 51485 0
2. ReSeT #20 13532 1425551 41114 0
3. CD #40 13259 1449585 41285 0
4. Double Rainbow Inc #24 12743 1136794 39415 0
5. [OG] #17 11440 1197994 34527 0
6. Slackerville!!!! #125 9677 1223466 29646 0
7. Sinful Thingz #31 7876 797048 31672 0
8. Coffee break #22 4376 468832 11713 0
9. Huh #14 3917 118250 34307 0
10. [SoS] #15 2501 134079 19269 0
11. The other guys #29 2480 243405 9128 0
12. Down Under #30 2131 237064 5031 0
13. NO FEAR #25 2066 30707 19983 0
14. Vadalia #18 2062 25003 20000 0
15. Butt pirate #21 2032 370760 4504 0
16. [SD] Serve or Die #13 2000 12000 20000 0
17. The Departed #19 1500 9000 15000 0
18. Elite #12 1000 6000 10000 0
19. Constellations #11 500 3000 5000 0
19. Tour de Lance #16 500 3000 5000 0
19. Tridactyloidea #666 500 3000 5000 0
22. Alliance 23 #23 485 7112 4888 0