
Tribe Rankings - Age 129, Week 1
Tribe Name Alliance Race Land Strength Fame Kills
1. 981657651357615 Up for Grabs Nazgul 3775 423114 7377 0
2. Stinger Up for Grabs Tiefling 3666 477135 6251 0
3. 977 6 99999jg h 89 Up for Grabs Mori Hai 3573 562988 7099 0
4. People dead see I Slackerville!!!! Eagle 3196 490170 6222 0
5. I see dead people Slackerville!!!! Tiefling 2840 432747 6269 0
6. Merlin Up for Grabs Wizard 2786 290973 4437 0
7. Julius Newborn Wizard 2706 262689 4199 0
8. R0xaS Double rainbow Inc Nazgul 2573 285910 7960 0
9. Hold my beer CB Dark Elf 2539 203538 5042 0
10. Elusive Turbo Puns Eagle 2416 218739 4478 0
10. Ghosts Double rainbow Inc Mori Hai 2416 363630 5000 0
12. Owly Mowly Double rainbow Inc Owl 2351 303865 5044 0
13. Jax the abstract attack cat Slackerville!!!! Wizard 2297 282512 4645 0
14. Still time for more beer! CB Eagle 2250 264380 5000 0
15. Are you afraid of the Double rainbow Inc Mori Hai 2239 209014 5000 0
16. Chilly Willy Artic Wizard 2207 255363 5008 0
17. King Gizzard the Lizard Wizard CB Wizard 2168 183564 3686 0
18. Strife CB Rept Hai 2015 175981 14 0
19. Smokey Up for Grabs Wizard 1970 185260 5023 0
20. Ding Dong CB Rept Hai 1813 196504 4262 0
21. CoronaBack InTown Double rainbow Inc Undead 1378 149000 5910 0
22. Robin Hood Steal from the rich Rept Hai 1070 100425 3477 0
23. Gandalf the Slight Turbo Puns Wizard 1052 108039 4409 0
24. Ningauble of the Seven Eyes Global Uprising Undead 966 110043 4340 0
25. Life of riley Under Quarantine! Undead 663 31349 4988 0
26. Cookie Dough Beleriand Wizard 500 3000 5000 0
26. Doriath Beleriand Dark Elf 500 3000 5000 0
26. Haha ok Global Uprising Owl 500 3000 5000 0
26. Huzinakadavres Beleriand Undead 500 3000 5000 0
26. King Draegon Tridactyloidea Grasshopper 500 3000 5000 0
26. Milliways Happy Land Spirit 500 3000 5000 0
26. Shadow Bay Beleriand Light Elf 500 3000 5000 0
26. Thomas the tank engine Choo choo Dwarf 500 3000 5000 0
26. Torn Choo choo Undead 500 3000 5000 0
26. [OG] just one more [OG] Owl 500 3000 5000 0
26. [OG] Last Age for Me [OG] Wizard 500 3000 5000 0
37. Roosen Choo choo Owl 449 16899 4860 0