![Crying [cry]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-cry.png)
Age 52 changes
Open Archived Bolle opened this discussion on
VorteX -
He's busy getting drunk
![Crying [cry]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-cry.png)
robokop -
Changes are uploaded, have fun
The 'historic rankings' currently are broken, only the ages from now on will be in it where the new point system is in place.
the data from the old system historic rankings does still exist, but there hasn't been found a good way to represent them yet.
The 'historic rankings' currently are broken, only the ages from now on will be in it where the new point system is in place.
the data from the old system historic rankings does still exist, but there hasn't been found a good way to represent them yet.
Sanzo -
So I'm guessing Power will be reset when the age officially starts?
So I'm guessing Power will be reset when the age officially starts?
robokop -
Power won't reset, it will dissipate over time (all power earned in wars that ended 40 days ago is gone)
Moradin -
Still nothing has been added (in my opinion) to promote that people actually kill each other rather then do whatever gets them power in a way they find convenient.
Sanzo -
killing gives power
![Roll eyes [8)]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-roll.png)
Pollito -
You don't say
![Surprised [:o]](/pics/emoticons/smiley-surprise.png)
Bolle -
Moradin -
If only the rankings would reflect that as well, how do kills add to power/point gain these days anyway?
Bolle -
Destroying a building yields 1 power. → Destroying a non-home building yields 1 power.
Destroying 1 home yields (target_land/target_homes)*0.24 + 0.2
Destroying a building yields 1 power. → Destroying a non-home building yields 1 power.
Destroying 1 home yields (target_land/target_homes)*0.24 + 0.2
that's from page 1. This change was intended to promote killing. Basically, you gain power when trying to kill a tribe, by destroying his homes (used to be 1 power per home) and by killing his tribe (land/2).
What we changed is that the power gain for destroying homes is now as if the target had 30% homes. So if you destroy 1 home on a guy with 6% homes, you gain about as much power as if the guy had 30% homes.
Two additional notes apply:
- a target with more homes still yields more than a target with less homes, just at a rather slow rate (apply the formula).
- as I said, we used a 'standard' home gain which is set at 30% homes. This means that a guy with 45% homes yields less power now than they did last age.
EDIT: to answer your question, in this way we addressed the issue of kills not contributing to power gain. Basically, we did some calculations and figured out that the power gain really goes down when a tribe has little homes (600 homes = 6 homes = 6 power, 100 homes = 1 home = 1 power... sucks.) So we solved that. Which means that the additional power gain of size/2 is a flat power gain on top of the kill. Which means we promote killing.
Sanzo -
dont worry, its a long age moradin
Moradin -
it sure has been.. but yep, that clarifies things.